A Brief Background on the Dictionaries
A short description of each dictionary and how it was developed.

Inspiration for the Dictionary Icons
A language is not just about words, but rather it is also about culture and the people that embody that culture. With that in mind, the dictionary icons used on the app were carefully chosen and designed by the team, and each icon represents an interesting part of the culture the dialect stems from ...

Rethinking Diglossia: a short writing encouraging learners of Arabic to reconsider the biggest challenge in learning the language, diglossia.
In 1959, Charles Ferguson published his article Diglossia, in which he also coined the English term from the French diglossie. He writes that he is studying “a particular kind of standardization where two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community...

Rethinking Teaching Arabic: a short piece on how teaching Arabic can be revised to help students better access the language.
I wrote this article initially thinking about how many years I and my friends who had to take Arabic lessons through elementary school wasted since we came out not speaking or understanding Arabic.

كيفَ نُضِرُّ أنفسَنا عندَما نحدّدُ توقُّعاتنا لتعلُّمِ اللغةِ العربيةِ | How We Hurt Ourselves when We Set Low Expectations for Learning Arabic
يُواجِهُ تعلُّمُ العربية كلُغة ثانية أو كلغةٍ أجنبية تحدياتٍ كثيرةً، كما عُولج في تقارير على الانترنت وكذلك في مقالاتٍ أخرى. ولكنْ هناك مشكلةً صغيرةَ فيما يدورُ من حديثٍ فيها، وهي التوقعاتُ المحدودةُ لتعلُّمِ الطلابِ للغةِ العربيةِ

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