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  Root: ا ف ق
Word: أُفُق / أُفْق، ج آفاق
  horizon (physical, figurative)
[pronunciation: ʼufuq]

في الأُفُقِ ‎[CA] on the horizon
‏لاحَ أَمَلٌ في الأُفُقِ ‎[CA] there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon
‏وراء الأُفُقِ ‎[CA] beyond the horizon
‏جَوّاب آفاقٍ ‎[CA] globetrotter
‏فَتَحَ آفاقاً جَديدةً ‎[CA] to open up new perspectives
‏آفاق حَسَنة ‎[CA] a good prospect
‏أُفُق مُسْتَقْبَليّ ‎[CA] future, perspective
‏آفاق مُسْتَقْبَليّة ‎[CA] prospects
‏وَظيفة تَفْتَحُ آفاقاً مُسْتَقْبَليّةً ‎[CA] a job with career prospects

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  Root: ب و ب
Word: بَاْب، ج أَبْوَاْب / بِيْبَاْن
  door (more examples)

على الأَبْوَاب ‎[CA] at the gates, at the doors of, approaching (figuratively: near, imminent)
‏على أبواب مرحلةٍ جديدةٍ من الحياة ‎[CA] at the doors of a new stage of life
‏فَتَحَ بَاْبًا جَدِيْدًا ‎[CA] to open up a new way, a new possibility
‏فُتِحَ بَابُ ‎[CA] was (were) begun, got under way
‏قَفَلَ بابَ الشَيءِ ‎[CA] to put an end to, terminate, close
‏مِن بابِ + المَصْدَر ‎[CA] by way of, as a means of;
‏مِنْ بَابِ الفَضْلِ ‎[CA] as a favor
‏مِنْ بابِ الضَرُوْرَة ‎[CA] it is necessary that
‏لَيْس هذا مِن بَابِ الصُدْفَة ‎[CA] that's no coincidence
‏هذا لَيْسَ من بابِ الصُدْفةِ ‎[CA] this cannot be a coincidence (difference in emphasis from ليس هذا)
‏من باب الاحترام ‎[CA] by way of respect
‏من باب الاحتياط ‎[CA] by way of caution, by precaution;
‏من بابِ المُسْتَحيلِ ‎[CA] impossible
‏مِن بَابِ الأُوْلَى ‎[CA] with all the more reason, the more so
‏من بابٍ أَوْلى ‎[CA] better
‏في هذا البَابِ ‎[CA] about this matter, about this
‏على باب الله = فقير ‎[CA] poor
‏رجل على باب الله ‎[CA] a poor man
‏طَلَعَ على بابِ اللهِ ‎[CA] to pursue one's livelihood, earn one's bread

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  Root: ب ي ض
Word: أَبْيَض، ج بِيْض، المؤنث: بَيْضَاْء
  empty, blank (sheet of paper)
[pronunciation: ʼabyaḍ]

وَرَقة بَيْضاء ‎[CA] a blank piece of paper
‏وَضَعَ وَرَقةً بَيْضاءَ ‎[CA] to cast a blank ballot
‏فَتَحَ صَفْحةً بَيْضاءَ ‎[CA] to start afresh, to turn over a new leaf

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  Root: ت ل ف ز
Word: تِلِڤِزْيَوْن / تَلَڤِزْيَوْن، ج تِلِڤِزْيَوْنَاْت / تَلَڤِزْيَوْنَاْت
  television set, TV
[pronunciation: tilivizyoon / televizyoon / talavizyoon]

في / على التِلِفِزْيون ‎[CA] on television
‏جَلَسَ أمام التِلِفِزْيون ‎[CA] to sit in front of the television
‏دَليل التِلِفِزْيون ‎[CA] TV guide
‏شاشة التِلِفِزْيون ‎[CA] TV screen
‏فَتَحَ التِلِفِزْيون ‎[CA] to turn on the TV

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  Root: ث غ ر
Word: ثُغْرَة، ج ثُغَر / ثُغَرَاْت
  breach, crevasse, crack, rift, crevice, gape, hole (through which something can pass through, usually in a bad way, e.g. a hole in the ozone through which UV rays get through, a hole in a line of soldiers that the enemy gets through, etc.);
[pronunciation: ṯuḡra]

ثُغْرة عَميقة ‎[CA] a yawning gap
‏ثُغْرة أَمْنيّة ‎[CA] safety breach
‏سَدَّ ثُغْرةً ‎[CA] to fill a hole
‏أَغْلَقَ ثُغْرةً ‎[CA] to fill a hole
‏فَتَحَ ثُغْرةً في الدِفاعِ ‎[CA] to breach the defence

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  Root: ج ر ع
Word: جُرْعَة / جَرْعَة، جُرَع / جُرَعَاْت / جَرْعَاْت
  gulp, mouthful, swallow, draught, drink, gulp
[pronunciation: jurʻa]

فَتَحَ زجاجةً وشربْنا منها بالتناوُب بعض الجرعات ‎[CA] he opened a bottle and we took turns drinking some draughts from it;
‏جُرْعة ماءٍ ‎[CA] a drink of water
‏أَفْرَغَ كَأْسَهُ جُرْعةً واحِدةً ‎[CA] to empty one's glass in one gulp
‏أَخَذَ جُرْعةً من ‎[CA] to take a sip (of
‏شَرِبَ جُرْعةً من ‎[CA] to take a sip (of

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  Root: ح س ب
Word: حِسَاْب، ج حِسَاْبَاْت
  (bank) account
[pronunciation: ḥisāb]

حِسَاب جارٍ ‎[CA] current account
‏حِسَابَات صُنْدُوْقِ التَوْفِيْرِ ‎[CA] savings-bank accounts
‏حِسَاب مَوْقُوْف ‎[CA] blocked account
‏على حِسَاب ‎[CA] at the expense of..., in the account of...
‏حِساب بَنْكيّ / مَصْرِفيّ ‎[CA] bank account
‏حِساب في البَنْكِ ‎[CA] an account at the bank
‏حِساب شَخْصيّ ‎[CA] private account, personal account
‏حِساب جارٍ ‎[CA] checking account, current account
‏فَتَحَ حِساباً ‎[CA] to open an account (such as a bank account, computer account, or other account with an institute)
‏أَغْلَقَ حِسَابًا ‎[CA] to close an account (such as a bank account, computer account, or other account with an institute)
‏أَوْدَعَ مالاً في حِسابٍ ‎[CA] to deposit into an account
‏سَحَبَ مالاً من حِسابِهِ ‎[CA] to withdraw money from one's account
‏حِساب ادِّخارٍ = حِساب تَوْفيرٍ ‎[CA] savings account
‏صاحِب الحِسابِ ‎[CA] account holder
‏رَقْم الحِسابِ ‎[CA] account number
‏كَشْف حِسابٍ ‎[CA] bank statement
‏كَشْف حِسابٍ ‎[CA] bank notice

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Word: حِسَاْب، ج حِسَاْبَاْت
  account (on a computer, etc.)

حِساب المُسْتَخْدِمِ ‎[CA] user account
‏حِساب الضَيْفِ ‎[CA] guest account
‏أَنْشَأَ حِساباً ‎[CA] to create an account
‏فَتَحَ حِساباً ‎[CA] to open an account (such as a bank account, computer account, or other account with an institute)
‏أَغْلَقَ حِسَابًا ‎[CA] to close an account (such as a bank account, computer account, or other account with an institute)

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  Root: ح ن ف
Word: حَنَفِيَّة، ج حَنَفِيَّاْت
  faucet, tap, spigot
[pronunciation: ḥanafiyya]

ماء من الحَنَفيّةِ ‎[CA] tap water
‏فَتَحَ الحَنَفيّةَ ‎[CA] to open the tap
‏أَغْلَقَ الحَنَفيّةَ = سَدَّ الحَنَفيّةَ ‎[CA] to close the tap

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  Root: د ر ج
Word: دُرْج، ج أَدْرَاْج / دَرِجَة
  drawer (of a table, desk, etc)
[pronunciation: durj]

أَغْلَقَ الدُرْجَ ‎[CA] to close the drawer
‏فَتَحَ الدُرْجَ ‎[CA] to open the drawer

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  Root: ر ا د ي و
Word: رَاْدِيَوْ / رَاْدْيَو، ج رَاْدِيَوْهَاْت / رَاْدْيَوْهَاْت
[pronunciation: rādiyū]

جِهاز رادِيو ‎[CA] radio set
‏فَتَحَ الرادِيو ‎[CA] to turn on the radio
‏اسْتَمَعَ إلى الرادِيو ‎[CA] to listen to the radio

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  Root: س ن د
Word: مُسْتَنَدِيّ، المؤنث: مُسْتَنَدِيَّة
  document (adjective)

اعْتِمَادَات مُسْتَنَدِيَّة ‎[CA] letters of credit (financial term)
‏فَتَحَ اِعْتِمَادًا مُسْتَنَدِيًّا ‎[CA] he opened a letter of credit

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  Root: ش ه و
Word: شَهِيَّة
  appetite (mainly for food, but also used for other things);
[pronunciation: šahiyya]

فاتِح الشَهِيَّة ‎[CA] stimulating the appetite, appetizing
‏ما يَفْتَح الشَهِيَّة ‎[CA] stimulating the appetite, what (that which) stimulates the appetite
‏فتح الشهية ‎[CA] stimulating the appetite
‏قِلَّة الشَهِيَّة لِلطَّعَامِ ‎[CA] lack of appetite
‏قِلّة الشَهيّةِ ‎[CA] lack of appetite
‏شَهيّة طَيِّبة ‎[CA] enjoy your meal, bon appetit
‏أَكَلَ بِشَهيّةٍ ‎[CA] to eat with relish
‏فَتَحَ / أَثارَ الشَهيّةَ ‎[CA] to whet the appetite
‏لَيْسَتْ عِنْدي شَهيّةٌ للأَكْلِ ‎[CA] I have no appetite

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  Root: ص ر ع
Word: مِصْرَاْع، ج مَصَاْرِيْع
  leaf of a door, door panel
[pronunciation: miṣrāʻ]

صَفَائِح المِصْراعِ ‎[CA] door panel
‏الباب مَفْتُوح على مَصْراعِيْه ‎[CA] the door is wide open (often figurative)
‏فَتَحَ البابَ على مِصْراعَيْهِ ‎[CA] he opened the door wide

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  Root: ص ف ح
Word: صَفْحَة، ج صَفَحَاْت
  leaf, sheet, folio, sheet
[pronunciation: ṣafḥa]

‏فَتَحَ صَفْحةً جَديدةً, طَوى صَفْحةَ الماضي ‎[CA] to turn over a new leaf

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  Root: ص ل ح
Word: اِصْطَلَحَ، يَصْطَلِح، َاِصْطِلَاْح
  to agree (على = on), accept, adopt (على =
[pronunciation: iṣṭalaḥa]

اصْطَلَحَ على تَسْمِيةِ شَيْءٍ بِشَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to call
‏اصْطَلَحَ على تَسْمِيةِ الحَرَكةِ ""فَتْح"" ‎[CA] the movement was called ""Fatah""
‏العَصْر الذي اُصْطُلِحَ على تَسْمِيَتِهِ بِعَصْرِ النَهْضةِ ‎[CA] the period that has been called the Arabic renaissance
‏اصْطَلَحَ الأَعْداءُ ‎[CA] the enemies were reconciled

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  Root: ص ن ب ر
Word: صُنْبُوْر، ج صَنَاْبِيْر
  (water) faucet, tap, spigot
[pronunciation: ṣunbūr]

ماء من الصُنْبورِ ‎[CA] tap water
‏فَتَحَ الصُنْبورَ ‎[CA] to turn on, open the tap
‏أَغْلَقَ الصُنْبورَ ‎[CA] to turn off, close the tap

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  Root: ط ر ق
Word: طَرِيْق، ج طُرُق / طُرُقَاْت
  route, way, road, path (more examples)

طَريق السَلامِ ‎[CA] the road to peace
‏طُرُق السَعَادَةِ ‎[CA] paths to happiness
‏الطَريق إلى أَمْسْتِرْدام ‎[CA] the way to Amsterdam
‏كانَ على الطَريقِ المُسْتَقيمِ ‎[CA] to be on the the straight and narrow (path)
‏لَجَأَ إلى الطَريقِ الأَسْهَلِ ‎[CA] to take the path of least resistance
‏اتَّبَعَ طَريقاً ‎[CA] to follow a route
‏اتَّخَذَ طَريقَهُ ‎[CA] to take the route
‏شَقَّ طَريقَهُ ‎[CA] to work one's way
‏سَأَلَ عن الطَريقِ ‎[CA] to ask the way
‏دَلَّ فُلَاْنًا على الطَريقِ ‎[CA] to show s.o. the way
‏قَطَعَ الطَريقَ على فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to cut off s.o.'s path
‏تَلَمَّسَ طَريقَهُ ‎[CA] to feel one's way
‏عَرَفَ الطَريقَ ‎[CA] to know the way
‏وَجَدَ الطَريقَ ‎[CA] to find the way
‏أَضاعَ الطَريقَ ‎[CA] to have lost one's way
‏مَهَّدَ الطَريقَ أمام فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to prepare/pave/smooth the way for s.o.
‏ضَلَّ الطَريقَ = ضَلَّ عن الطَريقِ ‎[CA] to be lost
‏كانَ في طَريقِ النَجاحِ ‎[CA] to be on the road to success
‏كانَ على الطَريقِ الصَحيحِ ‎[CA] to be on the right track/trail
‏لَيْسَ على الطَريقِ ‎[CA] that's not on the way
‏طَريق مَسْدود either 1. dead end, or 2. deadlock, impasse
‏أمام طريق مسدود ‎[CA] at a dead end
‏وَصَلَ إلى طَريقٍ مَسْدودٍ ‎[CA] to arrive at an impasse
‏فَتَحَ الطَريقَ المَسْدودَ في العَمَليّةِ السِلْميّةِ ‎[CA] to break the deadlock in the peace process

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  Root: ع د د
Word: عَدَّاْد، ج عَدَّاْد
عَدّاد، عَدّادات
  counter, meter (for electricity, gas, in a taxi, etc)
meter, counter
[pronunciation: ʻaddād]

عَدَّاد التَاكْسِي ‎[CA] taximeter
‏عَدَّاد السُرْعَة ‎[CA] speedometer
‏عَدّاد الكَهْرَباءِ ‎[CA] electricity meter
‏عَدّاد سُرْعةٍ ‎[CA] speedometer
‏عَدّاد الكيلومِتْراتِ ‎[CA] milometer (British), odometer (US)
‏لَوْحة عَدّاداتٍ ‎[CA] dashboard
‏عَدّاد زوّارِ المَوْقِعِ ‎[CA] Web/hit counter
‏على العَدّادِ ‎[CA] on the meter
‏فَتَحَ سائِقُ سَيّارةِ الأُجْرةِ العَدّادَ ‎[CA] the taxi driver switched on the meter

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  Root: ع ل ب
Word: عُلْبَة، ج عُلَب / عِلَاْب
  can, tin
[pronunciation: ʻulba]

فَتّاحة علب ‎[CA] can opener, bottle opener
‏مِفْتاح العُلَبِ ‎[CA] can opener, bottle opener
‏عُلْبة فاصولْيا ‎[CA] a can of beans
‏فَتَحَ عُلْبةً ‎[CA] to open a can
‏عُلْبة (من) الشايِ ‎[CA] a tin of tea
‏عُلْبة الأَطْعِمةِ المَحْفوظةِ ‎[CA] a can of preserved food
‏عُلْبة من المُرَطِّباتِ ‎[CA] a can of soda

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  Root: ع ل م 1
Word: عَلَاْمَة، ج عَلَاْمَاْت / عَلَاْئِم
  punctuation mark

عَلَامَة التَعَجُّب ‎[CA] exclamation question
‏عَلَامَة التَأَثُّرِ ‎[CA] exclamation question
‏عَلَامَة الاِسْتِفْهَامِ ‎[CA] quesetion mark
‏عَلَامَة التَنْصِيْص ‎[CA] quotation mark
‏عَلَامَة الوَقْفِ ‎[CA] period, full stop (as a punctuation mark)
‏بين عَلامَتَي التَنْصيصِ ‎[CA] between quotation marks
‏فَتَحَ عَلامَتَي التَنْصيصِ ‎[CA] to quote, open quotes
‏فَتَحَ / أَغْلَقَ عَلامَتَي التَنْصيصِ ‎[CA] to unquote, close quotes
‏عَلامات التَرْقيمِ ‎[CA] punctuation
‏أَضافَ عَلاماتِ التَرْقيمِ إلى نَصٍّ ‎[CA] to punctuate a text

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  Root: ع و د
Word: عِيَاْدَة، ج عِيَاْدَاْت
  office (of a physician), consultation room (of a physician), (medical) practice

في عِيادَتِهِ ‎[CA] in his practice
‏فَتَحَ عِيادةً ‎[CA] to open a practice
‏أَدارَ عِيادةً لِطِبِّ الأَسْنانِ ‎[CA] to manage a dental practice

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Word: أَعَاْدَ، يُعِيْد، إِعَاْدَة
  to reiterate, repeat, do again or anew, renew, resume (ه =
[pronunciation: ʼaʻāda]

أَعادَ الفِعْلَ ‎[CA] to do again
‏أَعادَ القَوْلَ ‎[CA] to say again
‏أَعادَ قَوْلَ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to repeat s.o.'s words
‏أَعَادَ الحِسَابَ ‎[CA] to repeat the computation
‏أَعَادَ ذِكْرَيَاتٍ ‎[CA] to revive, or reawaken, memories
‏أَعَادَ تَسْيِيرَهُ ‎[CA] to get going again, put back into operation
‏أَعَادَ تَصْدِيرَهُ ‎[CA] either 1. to forward (by mail), or 2. to reexport
‏أَعَادَ طَبْعَ الكِتَابِ ‎[CA] to reprint a book
‏أَعَادَ تَنْظِيمَهُ ‎[CA] reorganize
‏يُعِيدُ القَوْلَ وَيَبْدَأُهُ ‎[CA] he keeps talking of it, he continues to bring up the subject
‏أَعَادَ النَظَرَ في ‎[CA] to re-examine, reconsider, check, verify, revise, go over or into again
‏أَعَادَ النَظَرَ في الدَعْوَى ‎[CA] to retry the case (jurisprudence)
‏أَعادَ البِناءَ ‎[CA] to reconstruct, to rebuild
‏أَعَادَ بِناءَ مَسْجِدٍ ‎[CA] to rebuild a mosque
‏أَعادَ الكَرّةَ ‎[CA] to try again
‏أَعادَ امْتِحاناً ‎[CA] to retake a test (US)
‏أَعادَ طَبْعَ كِتابٍ ‎[CA] to reprint a book
‏أَعادَ فَتْحَ الطُرُقِ ‎[CA] to reopen the roads
‏أَعَادَ تَدْوِيرِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] to recycle

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Word: إِعَاْدَة
  redoing, repeating or doing again (of an activity), re-
[pronunciation: ʼiʻāda]

إِعَادَة التَخْطِيط ‎[CA] replanning (e.g. of a city layout)
‏إِعَادَة التَنْظِيمِ ‎[CA] reorganization
‏إِعَادَة التَسَلُّح ‎[CA] rearmament
‏إعَادَة الإِعْمَارِ = إعادَة البِنَاءِ ‎[CA] reconstruction (of a country)
‏إِعَادَة الفَتْحِ ‎[CA] either 1. re-opening, or 2. reconquest
‏إِعَاْدَة التَكْوِينِ ‎[CA] reformation
‏إِعَادَة النَظَرِ في ‎[CA] reexamination, reinvestigation, reconsideration, revision of
‏إِعَادَة النَظَرِ في دَعْوَى ‎[CA] retrial of a case
‏إعادة التفكير في شيء ‎[CA] to rethink something
‏إعادة النظر في المسألة ‎[CA] to reconsider something
‏إعادة التدوير ‎[CA] recycling, including in the environmental sense;
‏إعادة إعمار ‎[CA] reconstruction
‏إعادة فَتْحِ المِلَفِّ ‎[CA] reopening of the case
‏مُباراة إعادةٍ ‎[CA] replaying a match
‏امْتِحان إعادةٍ ‎[CA] retaking a test

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  Root: ع و ن
Word: اِسْتَعَاْنَ، يَسْتَعِيْن، اِسْتِعَاْنَة
  to ask, or call for (ب / ه = s.o.’s) help (على = against), turn (ب / ه = to s.o.) for help (على = against), seek help (ه = from s.o., ب / ه = in, على = against), resort, have recourse (ه = to s.o., ب / ه = to
[pronunciation: istaʻāna]

اسْتَعانَ باللهِ ‎[CA] to call on God
‏استعينوا بالله على مقاومة الشرور ‎[CA] seek god's help in resisting evil
‏استعانت الحكومة بالجيش على فتح الطرق ‎[CA] the government sought the help of the army to open the roads
‏إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين ‎[CA] you (alone) we worship and you (alone) we ask for help

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  Root: ع ي ن
Word: عَيْن، ج عُيُوْن / أَعْيُن
  eye (feminine noun) (more examples)

عينك الميزان ‎[CA] your eye is the scale (i.e. the judge). This was told to me by a Moroccan in reference to cooking, as in just do what feels right, guesstimate.
‏متى عَلَت العينُ على الحاجِب ‎[CA] lit: when is the eye higher than the brow? meaning: you've overstepped your authority, youٰre out of line.
‏أَطْعِمْ الفَم، تستحيّ العَيْن ‎[CA] proverb: feed the mouth, the eye is ashamed, meaning feed someone a bribe and their eye will pretend not to see what you do, a bribe works miracles;
‏وَضَع (حاجة) نُصْبِ عَينَيه ‎[CA] to keep in mind
‏أَصْبَحَ أَثَراً بعد عَيْنٍ ‎[CA] no trace has been left
‏فَتَحَ عَيْنَيْ فلانٍ على الحَقيقةِ ‎[CA] to open s.o.'s eyes to the truth
‏طَرَفَتْ عَيْناهُ ‎[CA] to blink one's eyes
‏عَصَبَ العَيْنَيْنِ ‎[CA] to blindfold
‏قَرَّتْ عَيْنُهُ ‎[CA] to be delighted
‏مَلَأَ عَيْنَ فلانٍ ‎[CA] to win/command s.o.'s respect
‏سَقَطَ من عَيْنِ فُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to go down in s.o.'s esteem

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  Root: غ ل ف
Word: غِلَاْف، ج غِلَاْفَاْت / غُلُف / أَغْلِفَة
  cover, covering, wrap, wrapper, wrapping, jacket (of a book)
(This word is used for everything from an envelope, cover of a book, to the atmosphere)

تحت غِلافِ شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] under cover of
‏فَتَحَ غِلافَ هَديّةٍ ‎[CA] to unwrap a present

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
  to open (ه =
[pronunciation: fataḥa]

فَتَحَ البَخْتَ ‎[CA] to tell fortunes
‏فَتَحَ عَيْنَيْهِ على أَخِرِها ‎[CA] to open one's eyes wide, stare wide-eyed
‏فَتَحَ الشَهِيَّةَ ‎[CA] to stimulate the appetite
‏فَتَحَ عَيْنَيْهِ ‎[CA] to open one's eyes
‏فَتَحَ عُلْبةً ‎[CA] to open a can
‏فَتَحَ زُجاجةَ نَبيذٍ ‎[CA] to uncork a bottle of wine
‏فَتَحَ باباً ‎[CA] to open a door
‏فَتَحَ صِواناً ‎[CA] to open a cupboard
‏فَتَحَ نافِذةً ‎[CA] to open a window
‏فَتَحَ السَتائِرَ ‎[CA] to open the curtains
‏فَتَحَ رِسالةً ‎[CA] to open a letter
‏فَتَحَ كِتاباً ‎[CA] to open a book
‏فَتَحَ مِنْطَقةً ‎[CA] to open (up) an area
‏فَتَحَ شَهيّةَ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to whet s.o.'s appetite
‏يَفْتَحُ المَحَلُّ أَبْوابَهُ في التاسِعةِ ‎[CA] the shop opens at nine o'clock

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Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to turn on (ه = a faucet)
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
  to switch on, turn on (ه = an apparatus)
[pronunciation: fataḥa]

فَتَحَ الرادِيو ‎[CA] to turn on the radio

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Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to dig (ه = a canal)
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
  to open to traffic (ه = a street)
[pronunciation: fataḥa]

فَتَحَ حِساباً مَصْرَفيًّا ‎[CA] to open a bank account
‏فَتَحَ الاجْتِماعَ ‎[CA] to open the meeting

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Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to build (ه = a road)
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to open, preface, introduce, begin (ه =
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
  to bring up, to enter upon (ه = a topic)

فَتَحَ مَوْضوعاً ‎[CA] to bring up a topic

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Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
  to conquer, capture (ه =
[pronunciation: fataḥa]

فَتَحَ مَدينةً ‎[CA] to conquer a city

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Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to open, to start (ه =
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to reveal, disclose (على = to s.o., ه =
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to grant victory or success (على = to s.o., ه = over or in (said of God), give into (على = s.o.’s) power (ه = (said of God)
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to open the gates (of profit) (على = to s.o.) (said of God)
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to infuse, imbue, inspire, endow (على = s.o., ه / ب = with) (said of God)
Word: فَتَحَ، يَفْتَح، فَتْح
to pronounce with the vowel فَتْحَة (i.e. an /a/ vowel) (ه = a consonant) (grammar)
Word: فَاْتِح

فَاْتِح البَخْتِ ‎[CA] fortuneteller
‏شَهْر الفاتِح ‎[CA] September (Libya under Gaddafi, no longer used) (so called because the al-Fateh Revolution took place in September)

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Word: فَاْتِح
Word: فَاْتِح
  الفَاْتِح : first day of the month
[pronunciation: fātiḥ]

في الفاتِح مِن نَوْفِمْبَر = في فاتِح نَوْفِمْبَر ‎[CA] on the 1st of November
‏فاتِح دِيْسِمْبَر ‎[CA] the first of December

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Word: فَاْتِح
  light (said of color) (adjective)
[pronunciation: fātiḥ]

أَزْرَق فاتِح ‎[CA] light-blue
‏لَوْن فاتِح ‎[CA] a light color, pastel color
‏أَخْضَر فاتِح ‎[CA] light green

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Word: فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتِحَاْت
فَاْتِحَات الشَهِيَّة : appetizers, hors d’oeuvre
Word: فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتِحُوْن
conqueror, victor
[pronunciation: fātiḥ]
Word: فَاْتِحَة، ج فَوَاْتِح
  start, opening, beginning, commencement, inception, incipience
beginning, start, opening, Fatiha
[pronunciation: fātiḥa]

سورة الفاتِحة ‎[CA] The Opening (Sura 1)

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Word: فَاْتِحَة، ج فَوَاْتِح
  introduction, preface, preamble, proem

or name of the first

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Word: فَاْتِحَة، ج فَوَاْتِح
الفَاْتِحَة / فَاْتِحَة الكِتَابِ : name of the first chapter of the Qur’an
Word: مَفْتُوْح
  opened, open, accessible
[pronunciation: maftūḥ]

النافِذةُ مَفْتوحةٌ ‎[CA] the window is open
‏الدُكّانُ مَفْتوحٌ ‎[CA] the shop is open
‏تَرَكَ البابَ مَفْتوحاً ‎[CA] to leave the door open
‏البَاب مَفْتُوح على مِصْرَاْعَيْهِ ‎[CA] the door is wide open
‏وَظَائِف مَفْتُوْحَة ‎[CA] either 1. open or vacant positions, or 2. job openings (column in newspaper ads)
‏شَهِيَّتِي مَفْتُوحَة ‎[CA] I have an appetite, my appetite is whetted
‏وظائف مفتوحة ‎[CA] open positions
‏جُرْح مَفْتوح ‎[CA] an open wound
‏يَوْم مَفْتوح ‎[CA] an open day
‏رِسالة مَفْتوحة ‎[CA] an open letter
‏نِهاية مَفْتوحة ‎[CA] an open ending
‏لا يَزالُ الطَريقُ مَفْتوحاً أَمامَهُ ‎[CA] the road is still open to him
‏مَفْتوح للجَميعِ ‎[CA] open to the public
‏مَفْتوح للجَماهيرِ ‎[CA] open to all
‏أَبْوابُ التَسْجيلِ مَفْتوحةٌ للجَميعِ ‎[CA] registration is open to all

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Word: مَفْتُوْح
[pronunciation: maftūḥ]
Word: مَفْتُوْح
having a فَتْحَة (consonant) (grammar)
Word: فَتْح

فَتْح الاِعْتِمَاْد ‎[CA] opening of a credit, presentation of a letter of credit
‏فَتْح الفَأْلِ = فَتْح البَخْتِ ‎[CA] fortunetelling
‏إعادة الفَتْحِ ‎[CA] reopening

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Word: فَتْح
introduction, commencement, beginning
Word: فَتْح
Fatah, acronym for حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني (formerly the Palestinian National Liberation Movement) (but it is reversed in order)
Word: فَتْح، ج فُتُوْح / فُتُوْحَاْت
(conquest, but has positive connotations. Generally this is only used to by Muslims to refer to the conquering of the Middle East)
[pronunciation: fatḥ]

فَتْح مَدينةٍ ‎[CA] the conquest of a city
‏كانَ فَتْحُ مَكّةَ فَتْحَ الفُتوحِ ‎[CA] the conquest of Mecca was the biggest conquest
‏فُتوحات البُلْدانِ ‎[CA] the conquests of the (non-Islamic) countries (History)
‏سورة الفَتْح ‎[CA] The Victory (Sura 48)
‏حَرَكة فَتْح ‎[CA] Fatah (Palestinian political party)

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Word: فَتْح، ج فُتُوْح / فُتُوْحَاْت
victory, triumph
Word: فَتْح، ج فُتُوْح / فُتُوْحَاْت
فُتُوْحَاْت : triumphs, achievements (especially of science)
Word: فَتْح، ج فُتُوْح / فُتُوْحَاْت
فُتُوْحَاْت : alms
Word: فَتْح، ج فُتُوْح / فُتُوْحَاْت
فُتُوْحَاْت : donations, contributions (for a زَاْوِيَة ) (Tunisian)
Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتَحَاْت

فَتْحَة الصَدْرِ ‎[CA] neck cut (of a dress)
‏واسِع فَتْحَة الصَدْرِ ‎[CA] low-necked, décolleté (dress)

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Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتَحَاْت
fatha, the vowel point ـَ (i.e. /a/) (grammar)
Word: فُتْحَة، ج فُتَح / فُتْحَاْت
  opening, aperture
[pronunciation: futḥa]

فُتْحة في الحائِطِ ‎[CA] an opening in the wall
‏فُتْحة سَقْفٍ ‎[CA] sliding roof, sun roof

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Word: فُتْحَة، ج فُتَح / فُتْحَاْت
breach, gap
Word: فُتْحَة، ج فُتَح / فُتْحَاْت
[pronunciation: fatḥa]
Word: فُتْحَة، ج فُتَح / فُتْحَاْت
Word: فُتْحَة، ج فُتَح / فُتْحَاْت
slit (e.g., of a dress)
Word: فَتَّاْح
opener (of the gates of profit, of sustenance) (one of the attributes of God)
Word: فَتَّاْح
Word: فَتَّاْح، المؤنث: فَتَّاْحَة
  (see example)

فَتَّاح الفَأْلِ ‎[CA] fortuneteller
‏فَتَّاحَة الفَأْلِ ‎[CA] woman fortuneteller

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Word: فَتَّاْح، المؤنث: فَتَّاْحَة
‫الفَتّاح‬ : the Opener (of gates of profit, sustenance, etc.) (one of the names of God)
[pronunciation: fattāḥ]
Word: فَتَّاْحَة، ج فَتَّاْحَاْت
  opener, can opener, bottle opener
[pronunciation: fattāḥa]

فَتّاحة زُجاجاتٍ ‎[CA] bottle opener
‏فَتّاحة العُلَب ‎[CA] can opener

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Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
  key (to a door, of a keyboard, piano, etc.)

ثَقْب المِفْتاحِ ‎[CA] keyhole
‏مِفْتَاح الاِشْتِعَالِ ‎[CA] ignition key (automobile)
‏مِفْتاح بابِ البَيْتِ ‎[CA] house key
‏عَلَّاْقة مَفاتيحَ = حَلْقة مَفاتيحَ ‎[CA] key ring
‏مِفْتاح عَموميّ ‎[CA] master key, public key
‏أَدْخَلَ المِفْتاحَ في القُفْلِ ‎[CA] to put the key in the lock
‏أَدارَ المِفْتاحَ ‎[CA] to turn the key
‏مِفْتاح العالي ‎[CA] shift key
‏مِفْتاح العَوْدةِ ‎[CA] backspace key
‏لَوْحة مَفاتيحَ ‎[CA] keyboard
‏ضَرَبَ مِفْتاحاً ‎[CA] to hit a key
‏ضَغَطَ على مِفْتاحٍ ‎[CA] to press a key

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Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
trigger, release (of a camera, etc.)
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
  switch, button (electronic, railroad, light switch, etc.)
[pronunciation: miftāḥ]

مِفْتَاح النُوْرِ ‎[CA] light switch
‏مِفْتاح رَئيسيّ ‎[CA] main switch

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Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
switch, points (of a railroad)
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
knob (on a radio)
[pronunciation: miftāḥ]
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
lever, pedal (of a vehicle) (also دوّاسة)
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
stop (of a wind instrument)
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
valve (of a trumpet)
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
peg, pin (of a stringed instrument)
[pronunciation: miftāḥ]
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
  spanner, wrench
[pronunciation: miftāḥ]

مِفْتاح إنْجْليزيّ ‎[CA] screw wrench, adjustable spanner

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Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
(gas) tap
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
clef (music)
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
  key, secret

مِفْتاح السَعادةِ ‎[CA] the secret of happiness
‏مِفْتاح اللُغْزِ ‎[CA] the key to the mystery
‏مِفْتاح الإجابةِ على السُؤالِ ‎[CA] the key to the answer to the question

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Word: مِفْتَاْحِيّ
  key (in adjectives);

كَلِمَات مِفْتَاحِيَّة ‎[CA] key words (e.g. in a search, or how a website lists them at the bottom);
‏كَلِمة مِفْتاحيّة ‎[CA] key word

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Word: مِفْتَاْحْجِيّ، ج مِفْتَاْحْجِيَّة
  (railroad) switchman

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Word: فَتَّحَ
  to open (ه =
[pronunciation: fattaḥa]

فَتَّحَ البابَ ‎[CA] to open the door

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Word: فَتَّحَ
to open (said of a flower)
Word: مُفَتِّح
Word: مُفَتِّح، ج مُفَتِّحَاْت
aperitif (an alcoholic drink or other food??? taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite)
Word: فَاْتَحَ
to address first (ه = s.o.), speak first (ه = to s.o.)
[pronunciation: fātaḥa]
Word: فَاْتَحَ
to open the conversation or talk (ه = with s.o., في = about)
Word: فَاْتَحَ
to disclose (ه = to s.o., ب / ه =, let (ه = s.o.) in (ب / ه = on
Word: فَاْتَحَ
to approach (ه = s.o., في = concerning a matter)
Word: مُفَاْتَحَة
opening of a conversation
Word: تَفَتَّحَ
to open, open up, unfold (intransitive)
[pronunciation: tafattaḥa]
Word: تَفَتَّحَ
to be opened (عن = so that becomes perceptible)
Word: تَفَتَّحَ
to be open, be responsive (heart)
Word: تَفَتَّحَ
  to come out, bloom (of flowers)

تَتَفَتَّحُ الزُهورُ ‎[CA] the flowers are coming out

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Word: تَفَتُّح
openness, receptivity (spiritual, mental)
Word: مُتَفَتِّح
open, accessible
[pronunciation: mutafattiḥ]
Word: مُتَفَتِّح
flowering, blooming
[pronunciation: mutafattiḥ]
Word: اِنْفَتَحَ
  to open, to be opened (intransitive)
[pronunciation: infataḥa]

انْفَتَحَ على العالَمِ ‎[CA] to open up to the outside world
‏انْفَتَحَ على أَفْكارٍ جَديدةٍ ‎[CA] to be open to new ideas

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Word: اِنْفَتَحَ
to unfold, blossom (bud, flower)
Word: اِنْفَتَحَ
to develop (intransitive), emerge (e.g., industry, research)
Word: اِنْفَتَحَ
to open up (country, for international economic exchange)
Word: اِنْفَتَحَ
to be opened
Word: اِنْفِتَاْح
  openness, opening, receptivity (spiritual, mental)
[pronunciation: infitāḥ]

انْفِتاح اقْتِصاديّ ‎[CA] economic openness
‏سِياسة الانْفِتاحِ ‎[CA] opening-up policy, open-door policy

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Word: اِنْفِتَاْح
Word: اِنْفِتَاْح
Word: اِنْفِتَاْح
  opening up (of a country for international economic exchange), public nature

سِيَاسَة الاِنْفِتَاحِ ‎[CA] economic open-door policy, opening-up policy
‏انْفِتاح اقْتِصاديّ ‎[CA] economic openness

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Word: مُنْفَتِح
  open, receptive, amenable
[pronunciation: munfatiḥ]

مُنْفَتِح على شَيْءٍ ‎[CA] open to
‏كانَ مُنْفَتِحاً للأَفْكارِ الجَديدةِ ‎[CA] he was open to new ideas

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Word: اِفْتَتَحَ، يفتتح، افتتاح
  to open (for the first time, like a grand opening), inaugurate (ه =
[pronunciation: iftataḥa]

افْتَتَحَ مَدْرَسةً ‎[CA] to open a school
‏افْتَتَحَ نَدْوةً ‎[CA] to open a symposium

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Word: اِفْتَتَحَ، يفتتح، افتتاح
to introduce, preface, begin (ه =, ب = with)
Word: اِفْتَتَحَ، يفتتح، افتتاح
to conquer, capture (ه =
Word: اِفْتِتَاْح
  (initial) opening, inauguration
[pronunciation: iftitāḥ]

لَيْلَة الاِفْتِتَاحِ ‎[CA] premiere, opening night
‏افْتِتاح المَعْرِضِ ‎[CA] the opening of the exhibition
‏افْتِتاح البَرْنامَجِ ‎[CA] the opening of the program
‏حَفْلة الافْتِتاحِ الرَسْميِّ للبُطولةِ ‎[CA] the opening ceremony of the championship

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Word: اِفْتِتَاْح
introduction, beginning
Word: اِفْتِتَاْحِيّ
  opening, introductory, preliminary, prefatory, proemial

مَبْلَغ اِفْتِتَاحِيّ ‎[CA] opening bid, lowest bid (at auctions)
‏فَصْل اِفْتِتَاحِيّ = مَقَال اِفْتِتَاحِيّ = مَقَالَة اِفْتِتَاحِيَّة ‎[CA] editorial, leading article, leader
‏لَيْلَة اِفْتِتَاحِيَّة ‎[CA] opening night
‏كَلِمة افْتِتاحيّة ‎[CA] opening word
‏مَقال افْتِتاحيّ ‎[CA] editorial, leading article
‏عَرْض افْتِتاحيّ ‎[CA] premiere, opening performance

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Word: اِفْتِتَاْحِيّ
  inaugurational, inaugural, inauguration (adjective)
[pronunciation: iftitāḥiyy]

خِطاب افْتِتاحيّ ‎[CA] an inaugural speech

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Word: اِفْتِتَاْحِيَّة
editorial, leading article, leader
[pronunciation: iftitāḥiyya]
Word: اِفْتِتَاْحِيَّة
overture (music)
[pronunciation: iftitāḥiyya]
Word: اِفْتِتَاْحِيَّة
opening game
Word: اِفْتِتَاْحِيَّة
opening gambit (chess)
Word: مُفْتَتَح
start, beginning, commencement, inception, opening, inauguration
Word: اِسْتَفْتَحَ
to begin, start, commence (ه =
[pronunciation: istaftaḥa]
Word: اِسْتَفْتَحَ
to seek the assistance of God (على = against), implore God for victory (على = over)
Word: اِسْتِفْتَاْح
start, beginning, commencement, inception, incipience
Word: اِسْتِفْتَاْح
earnest money, handsel
  Root: ف ر ع
Word: فَرْع، ج فُرُوْع / أَفْرُع
  subsidiary establishment, branch (office)
[pronunciation: farʻ]

فَرْع لِشَرِكةٍ ‎[CA] a branch office of a company
‏لِهَذِهِ الشَرِكةِ سِتّةُ فُروعٍ ‎[CA] this company has six establishments
‏فَتَحَ فَرْعاً ‎[CA] to open a branch
‏أَغْلَقَ فَرْعاً ‎[CA] to close a branch

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  Root: ف ض ض
Word: فَضَّ (فَضَضْتُ)، يَفُضّ، فَضّ
  to break (open), pry open, force open, undo (ه =, e.g., a seal, letter)
[pronunciation: faḍḍa]

لا فُضَّ فَوْكَ ‎[CA] how well you have spoken
‏فض غلاف الخِطاب = فتح غلاف الخطاب ‎[CA] to open the letter's envelope/packaging
‏فض الاشتباك ‎[CA] disengagement
‏فَضّ النِزاعات / الخِلافات ‎[CA] conflict resolution (as a field of study or work); note that النزاعات is considered to have a wider, more comprehensive meaning and can include more material efforts and not just dialogue;
‏فَضَّ رِسالةً ‎[CA] to open a letter

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  Root: ف م
Word: فَم / فُو / فَا / فِي / فُوْه، ج أَفْوَاْه
(the forms are فو ، فا ، في show the long vowel because this is one of الأسماء الخمسة that shows the long vowel when in an إضافة. The form فوه is not really used on its own, i.e. الفوه , but it shows the theoretical tie to the plural form أفواه).
(in some dialects this can become فَمّ ، أفمام , i.e. the م takes a شَدّة , but this is not proper CA)
[pronunciation: fam]

فَم الحُوْتِ ‎[CA] star ɑ in the constellation Piscis Australis, Fomalhaut
‏بِمِلْءِ فِيْهِ ‎[CA] either 1. with a ring of deep conviction (used with verbs like “say”, “declare”, “exclaim”, etc.), or 2. loudly, at the top of one’s voice or lungs (with verbs like “shout”, “cry”, etc.)
‏فاغِرَ الفَمِ ‎[CA] with open mouth
‏أَعْلَنَ شَيْئاً بِمَلْءِ فَمِهِ ‎[CA] to proclaim loudly
‏سَمِعَ شَيْئاً من فَمِ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to hear from s.o.'s own mouth
‏كانَ مُضْغةً في أَفْواهِ الناسِ ‎[CA] to be the talk of the town
‏لا فُضَّ فوكَ! ‎[CA] how well you have spoken!
‏فَتَحَ فاهُ ‎[CA] to open one's mouth
‏وَضَعَ الطَعامَ في فيهِ ‎[CA] to put the food in one's mouth
‏دارَ الخَبَرُ على الأَفْواهِ ‎[CA] the news was on everyone's lips

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  Root: ف و ض
Word: مُفَاْوَضَة، ج مُفَاْوَضَاْت
  negotiation, parley, talk, conference
[pronunciation: mufāwaḍa]

فَتَحَ بابَ المُفَاوَضَاتِ ‎[CA] to open negotiations
‏مُفاوَضات مُكَثَّفة ‎[CA] intense negotiations
‏مُفاوَضات شاقّة = مُفاوَضات عَسيرة ‎[CA] tough negotiations
‏المُفاوَضات بين مُنَظَّمةِ التَحْريرِ الفِلَسْطينيّةِ وَإسْرائيلَ ‎[CA] the negotiations between the PLO and Israel
‏مَوْقِف قَويّ في المُفاوَضاتِ ‎[CA] a strong negotiating position
‏مَوْقِف ضَعيف في المُفاوَضاتِ ‎[CA] a weak negotiating position
‏طاوِلة المُفاوَضاتِ ‎[CA] the negotiating table
‏جَلَسَ على طاوِلةِ المُفاوَضاتِ ‎[CA] to sit down at the negotiating table
‏أَجْرى مُفاوَضاتٍ مع ‎[CA] to carry on negotiations with s.o.

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  Root: ق ل ب
Word: قَلْب، ج قُلُوْب
  heart (more examples)

قَوّى قَلْبَ + إصافة ‎[CA] to hearten s.o.
‏مَنْظَر تَتَصَدَّعُ لَهُ القُلوبُ ‎[CA] a heartbreaking scene
‏مَنْظَر يُدْمي القَلْبَ ‎[CA] a heartbreaking sight
‏مَنْظَر يُفْرِحُ القَلْبَ ‎[CA] a heart-warming sight
‏يَخْفِقُ قَلْبُهُ ‎[CA] his heart is pounding
‏قَلْب مَكْسور ‎[CA] a broken heart
‏قَلْب من ذَهَبٍ ‎[CA] a heart of gold
‏قَلْباً وَقالَباً ‎[CA] with heart and soul, through and through, inside and out
‏فَنّان قَلْباً وَقالَباً ‎[CA] a born artist
‏بِقَلْبٍ دامٍ ‎[CA] with a heavy heart
‏من القَلْبِ ‎[CA] from the heart
‏من كُلِّ قَلْبي ‎[CA] with all my heart, wholeheartedly
‏قَلْبُهُ كَبيرٌ ‎[CA] he has a big heart, he is big-hearted
‏قَلْبُهُ نَقيٌّ ‎[CA] he has a pure heart
‏طِيْبَة قَلْبٍ ‎[CA] kind-heartedness
‏عِنْدَهُ قَلْبٌ من الحَجَرِ ‎[CA] he has a heart of stone
‏نَغِلَ قَلْبُهُ على فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to hold/bear a grudge against s.o.
‏سَلَبَ قَلْبَ فُلانٍ = سَرَقَ قَلْبَ فُلانٍ ‎[CA] to steal s.o.'s heart
‏كانَ ما في قَلْبِهِ على لِسانِهِ ‎[CA] to wear one's heart on one's sleeve
‏يَتَمَزَّقُ القَلْبُ على مَشْهَدِهِ ‎[CA] it's heartbreaking to see
‏اسْتَمَعَ إلى نِداءِ قَلْبِهِ ‎[CA] to listen to one's heart
‏فَتَحَ قَلْبَهُ لِفُلَاْنٍ ‎[CA] to open one's heart to s.o., to confide in s.o.
‏اُسْتُهيمَ قَلْبُهُ ‎[CA] to be infatuated

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  Root: ك ل م 1
Word: كَلَاْم
  talking, speaking

بِالكَلَام ‎[CA] orally, verbally
‏فَتَح فَمَهُ بِالكَلامِ ‎[CA] to open one's mouth in order to say, prepare to say
‏عِلْم الكَلَامِ ‎[CA] scholastic theology, discourse (Islamic philosophical discipline of seeking theological principles through dialectic) (Islam)
‏كَثِير الكَلامِ ‎[CA] talkative, loquacious, garrulous
‏قَليل الكَلامِ ‎[CA] curt, taciturn
‏بالمَعنى الدَقِيقِ للكَلام ‎[CA] strickly speaking (Also said على وجه التحديد);

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  Root: ل ف ف
Word: مِلَفّ، ج مِلَفَّاْت
  issue (in modern usage, particuarly political talk)

المِلَفّ السُوْرِي ‎[CA] the Syrian issue (referring to the Syrian war / crisis)
‏إِيْرَان تُهَدِّدُ بِالاِنْسِحَابِ مِن الاِتِّفَاقِ بِشَأْنِ مِلَفِّهَا النَّوَوِي فِي حالِ اْنْسِحَابِ الوِلايَاتِ المُتَّحِدَةِ ‎[CA] Iran threatens to withdraw from the nuclear agreement (the agreement concerning its nuclear program) if the United States withdraws
‏فتح ملف / موضوع / قضية ‎[CA] to raise the issue of

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  Root: م ر ر 1
Word: مُرُوْر
  traffic (street, tourist, shipping)
[pronunciation: murūr]

المُرُور الجَوِّيّ ‎[CA] air traffic
‏شُرْطَة المُرُورِ ‎[CA] traffic police, highway patrol
‏نِظَام المُرُورِ ‎[CA] traffic regulations
‏حَرَكَة المُرُورِ ‎[CA] traffic, through traffic, flow of traffic
‏تَنْظيم حَرَكةِ المُرورِ ‎[CA] the regulation of traffic
‏قِسْم المُرورِ ‎[CA] traffic department
‏شُرْطيّ مُرورٍ ‎[CA] traffic policeman
‏لَوْحة مُرورٍ ‎[CA] road sign, traffic sign
‏نِظام مُرورٍ ‎[CA] traffic regulations
‏ازْدِحام المُرورِ ‎[CA] traffic congestion
‏حَرَكة مُرورٍ مُزْدَحِمة ‎[CA] heavy traffic
‏إشارة المُرورِ ‎[CA] traffic light
‏حَرَكة المُرورِ الجَوّيِّ ‎[CA] air traffic
‏السَلامة في المُرورِ ‎[CA] road safety
‏مَنَعَ المُرورَ = عَرْقَلَ المُرورَ ‎[CA] to obstruct traffic
‏الْتَزَمَ بِقَواعِدِ المُرورِ ‎[CA] to observe the traffic rules
‏فَتَحَ طَريقاً للمُرورِ ‎[CA] to open a road for traffic
‏فَتَحَ جِسْراً للمُرورِ ‎[CA] to open a bridge for traffic

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  Root: ن ف ذ
Word: نَاْفِذَة، ج نَوَاْفِذ
  window, casement
[pronunciation: nāfiḏa]

زُجاج النافِذةِ ‎[CA] windowpane
‏نافِذة على العالَمِ ‎[CA] a window on the world
‏فَتَحَ نافِذةً ‎[CA] to open a window
‏أَغْلَقَ نافِذةً ‎[CA] to close a window
‏فَتَحَ النافِذةَ على مِصْراعَيْها ‎[CA] to open the window wide
‏أَلْقى بِشَيْءٍ من النافِذةِ ‎[CA] to throw out the window
‏نَظَرَ من النافِذةِ ‎[CA] to look out the window
‏تُطِلُّ النافِذةُ على الشارِعِ ‎[CA] the window overlooks the street

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  Root: و ض ع
Word: مَوْضُوْع، ج مَوْضُوْعَاْت / مَوَاْضِيْع
  theme, subject, topic
[pronunciation: mawḍūʻ]

فِهْرِس المَوْضُوْعَاْت ‎[CA] table of contents, index
‏مَوْضوع رَئيسيّ / مَرْكَزيّ ‎[CA] a central theme
‏مَوْضوع البَحْثِ ‎[CA] research topic
‏مَوْضوع الساعةِ ‎[CA] topic of the hour
‏فِهْرِس المَوْضوعاتِ ‎[CA] table of contents
‏مُتَعَلِّق بالمَوْضوعِ ‎[CA] relevant
‏هذا خارِجٌ عن المَوْضوعِ ‎[CA] that's outside of the topic, that is besides the point
‏عالَجَ مَوْضوعاً ‎[CA] to treat a subject
‏أَثارَ مَوْضوعاً = فَتَحَ مَوْضوعاً = تَطَرَّقَ لِمَوْضوعٍ ‎[CA] to bring up a subject, to address a topic
‏دَخَلَ في المَوْضوعِ ‎[CA] to get to the point
‏طَرَقَ لُبَّ المَوْضوعِ ‎[CA] to get to the point, to get to the core of the matter
‏رَتَّبَ الكُتُبَ حَسَبَ مَوْضوعاتِها = بَوَّبَ الكُتُبَ حَسَبَ مَوْضوعاتِها ‎[CA] to arrange books by subject
‏ناقش الموضوع ‎[CA] to discuss a topic
‏تناول الموضوع ‎[CA] to treat or deal with a topic

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  Root: ب خ ت
Word: بَخت
[S] بَخْت
[pronunciation: baḵt]

بَختَكِ مْنِيْح ‎[P] you're luck is good; {baḵtakᵉ mºnīḥ}
‏بيْشُوْفِ البَخت ‎[P] he tells fortunes / is a fortune teller (literally: he sees luck); {byºšūfᴵ-l-baḵt}
‏هِيِّة بْتِفتَحِ البَخت ‎[P] she tells fortunes / is a fortune teller; {hiyye bºtiftaḥᴵ-l-baḵt}
‏فَتحِ البَخت ‎[P] fortune telling; {fatḥᴵ-l-baḵt}
‏وَرْجِينِي بَخْتِي ‎[S, Damascus] chameleon (literally: show me my luck, because the the chameleon changing colors was thought to represent someone's fortune or luck)

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  Root: ث غ ر
Word: ثِغْرَة، ج ثِغْرَاْت / ثِغَر
  breach, gap, hole

السَّفْرَة فَتْحِت لِي ثِغْرَة كْبِيْرِة بْجَيْبْتِي = السَّفْرَة بَخْشِت لِي بِخْشِ كْبِيْرِ بْجَيْبْتِي ‎[S] The trip made a big hole in my pocketbook
‏الِهْجُوْم الِـمْعَاكِس فَتَح ثِغْرَة بِالمَيْسَرَة ‎[S] The counterattack created a breach on the left flank.
‏مُشَاتْنَا فَتَحُوا ثِغْرَة كْبِيْرِة بِخْطُوطِ العَدُوّ ‎[S] Our infantry smashed a wide gap in the enemy's lines.

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  Root: ج و ع
Word: جَوَّع
  to starve (ه =, starve out (ه =
[pronunciation: jawwaʕ]

رادُوا يْجَوّْعُوْنَا = رَادُوا يْمَوّْتُونَا جُوْع ‎[S] They wanted to starve us out
‏جَوَّع حَدَا لِلْمَوْت ‎[S] to starve s.o. to death
‏العَدُوّ فَتَحِ القَلْعَة بَعِد ما جَوَّع الِـمْدافْعِين عَنَّهْا لِلْمَوْت ‎[S] The enemy conquered the fortress after having starved the defenders to death
‏جَوَّعُوْهُم ‎[P] they starved him; {jawwaʕūhom}
‏اْستَنَّيْنَا أَكِل في المَتعَم وْتَوَّلُوا... جَوَّعُوْنَا ‎[P] we were waiting to eat in the restaurant and they took a long time... they starved us!; {'ºstannēna ʔakᵉl fy-l-mɑtʕɑm wºtɑwwɑlu... jawwaʕūna}

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  Root: خ ط و
Word: خَطوِة، ج خَطَوَات / خُطُوَات
[S] خَطْوِة، ج خَطْوَاْت
[L] خَطْوِة / خُطْوِة
  step; (also as a move)
[pronunciation: ḵɑṭwe، ḵɑṭɑwāt / ḵuṭuwāt]

خَطوِة خَطوِة ‎[V] step by step; {ḵɑṭwe ḵɑṭwe}
‏خَطِوتَيْن لَقُدَّام تَلَاتِة لَوَرَا ‎[P] two steps forward, three steps back; {ḵɑṭᵉwtēn laquddām talāte lawɑrɑ}
‏هَادي كَانَت خَطوِة جَرِيْئَة ‎[P] that was a brave step / courageous move; {hādy kānat ḵɑṭwe jarīʔÁa}
‏ الطِبّ بِتقَدَّم بِخَتَوَات سَرِيْعَة ‎[P] medicine is advancing with swift strides; {'iṭ-ṭebb bitqaddam biḵɑtɑwāt sarīʕa}
‏خُطُوَاتُو الأُولَى ‎[P] his first steps; {ḵuṭuwāto-l-ʔūla}
‏لَازِم هُوِّ يِعمَلِ الخَطوِة الأُولَى ‎[P] it is up to him to take the first step (make the first move); {lāzem huwwe yiʕmalᴵ-l-ḵɑṭwe-l-ʔūla}
‏بْكِلّْ خَطْوِة ‎[S] at every turn
‏وَاْجَهْنَا صْعُوْبَاتِ بْكِلّْ خَطْوِة ‎[S] We encountered difficulties at every turn
‏خَطْوِة خَطْوِة فَتَح طَرِيْقَو بَيْنِ العالَم ‎[S] step by step he fought his way through the crowd.
‏خَطَى / عِمِل خَطْوِة كِلَّهْا دَهَاء ‎[S] He made a very shrewd move
‏الجّْنَيْنِة تَقْرِيبًا عِشْرِين خَطْوِة عَرْضِ بْخَمْسَا وِتْلَاتِين طُوْل ‎[S] The garden is about twenty paces wide and thirty-five long
‏قَاسِ بْخَطْوَاتَو ‎[S] to measure with one’s steps, pace off
‏قِيْسِ بْخَطْوَاتَك مَسَافِة مِيْت قَدَم ‎[S] Pace off a hundred feet
‏أَخَد خَطْوِة لَقِدَّام ‎[S] He took one step forward
‏عَم يِتِّبِع خَطْوَاْت أَبُوْه ‎[S] He's following in his father's footsteps

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  Root: د و ب
Word: دَوْب
  scarcely, hardly, barely, only just (the exact meaning depends on the tense of the following sentence);
This will usually take the form of يا دَوْب or دوب followed by a suffix pronoun;
[pronunciation: dōb]

دَوْبَو عِمْرَو عَشْرِ سْنِيْن ‎[S] He's barely ten
‏يا دَوْبِي قُوْمِ بْمَصَارِيْفِي ‎[S] can barely meet my expenses,
‏يَا دَوْب عُمرُو تَلتِ سْنِيْن ‎[P] he's barely three years old; {yā dōb ʕumro taltᵉ sºnīn}
‏يَا دَوْبِ تْعَرَّفنَا عَلَى بَعِض ‎[P] we'd only just me, we'd barely become acquainted; {yā dōbᵉ tºʕɑrrɑfna ʕala bɑʕᵉḍ}
‏يَا دَوْب يْكَفّي لَتَلَاتِة ‎[P] it's hardly enough for three; {yā dōb yºkaffy latalāte}
‏كُنِت دَوْبني رَاجِع مِنِ فرَنسَا ‎[P] I'd just got back from France; {kunᵉt dōbny rājeʕ minᵉ frɑnsa}
‏يَا دَوْبَو يِقْدِر يْعَبِّر عَن نَفْسَو ‎[S] He can hardly make himself understood,
‏يَا دَوْبَهْا كانِت تَعْرِف تِقْرَا وْتِكْتُب لَـمّا إِجِت عَ البَلَد ‎[S] She could hardly read and write when she came to the city,
‏يا دَوْبَو كان فَتَح تِمَّو لَـمّا ‎[S] He had hardly opened his mouth to speak when…
‏يا دَوْبْنَا كِنَّا طْلِعْنَا بَرَّاْتِ البَلَد لَـمّا السَّيَّارَة خِرْبِت ‎[S] We had hardly gotten outside the city when the car broke

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  Root: ر ا س
Word: رَاس / رَأس، ج رُوْس / رُؤُوس
[S] رَاس / رَأس (رَأْس)، رُوْس / رُؤُوس
  head (unsorted examples)

مَطْرَح ما طاح راسي بَنَام ‎[J] whereever I lay may head I sleep
‏حُطّ راسك بين الرُّوس وْقُول يا قطَّاع الرُوس ‎[J] to go with the flow, go with the herd
‏فَتَحِ بْرَاسي شَوَارِع ‎[J] he exhausted me (with all his talking)
‏لو بِطْلَع من راسي شَجَرَة ‎[J] if a tree were to come out of my head (i.e. when hell freezes over)
‏أنا مَعِي ما بْتِطْلَعِي راس ‎[L] No one is my equal (literally: no head goes higher than mine)

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  Root: س ر ر
Word: سِرّ / سِرّ، ج سْرَار / أَسرَار
[S] سِرّ، ج أَسْرَاْر
[pronunciation: sirr / serr، sºrᾱr / ʔasrᾱr]

هَادَا سِرّ ‎[P] it's a secret; {hāda serr}
‏بَحكِيْلِك هَادَا كَسِرّ ‎[P] I'm telling you this in confidence; {baḥkīlek hāda kaserr}
‏شُوْ كِلمِةِ السِرّ ‎[P] what's the password; {šū kilmeᴵ-s-serr}
‏سِرِّ الصَنعَة / سِرِّ المِهنِة ‎[P] trade secret, professional secret, trick of the trade; {serrᴵ-ṣ-ṣɑnʕa / serrᴵ-l-mihne}
‏بَيْنَّا مَا فِشّ أَسرَار ‎[P] there are no secrets between us; {bēnna ma fišš ʔasrᾱr}
‏خَوْدِ سْرَارهُم مِنِ زغَارهُم ‎[P] if you want to learn the family secrets, ask the children / listen to the children; {ḵōdᵉ sºrᾱrhom minᵉ zġᾱrhom}
‏عِنْدَك لَلسِّر مَطْرَح ‎[L] can you keep a secret? (do secrets have a place with you?);
‏السِرّ بَيْنِ اْتْنَيْن بِيْصِير بَيْن أَلْفَين ‎[L] proverb: a secret between two becomes between a thousand (i.e. if you share a secret with one person, then the whole world will know);
‏بِالسِّرّ ‎[S] in secret, secretly
‏مَضُوا مْعَاهَدْةِ السَّلَام بِالسِّرّ ‎[S] They signed the Peace Treaty in secret
‏اْجْتَمَعُوا بِالسِّر ‎[S] They met secretly
‏حَفَظ سِرّ + إضافة ‎[S] to keep secret
‏حَفَظُوا سِرِّ الزَّوَاج مِدِّة سِتِّ اْشْهُر ‎[S] They kept the marriage secret for six months,
‏بَيْنِي وْبَيْنَك هالاِقْتِراح مُو عاجِبْنِي = الحَكِي بْسِرَّك هالاِقْتِراح مُو عاجِبْنِي ‎[S] Confidentially, I don't like that proposal.
‏شَارِكْنِي بِالسِّرّ ‎[S] Let me in on the secret
‏فِيك تِحْفَظ سِرّ ‎[S] Can you keep a secret?
‏هادا واحِد مِن أَسْرَار مِهْنِتُهْن ‎[S] This is one of their trade secrets
‏حِسِن أَدَبَو حَتْمًا هُوِّ سِرّْ نَجَاحَو ‎[S] His good manners certainly are the secret of his success
‏سِرّ فَتِح ‎[S] combination (e.g. to a lock)
‏نِحْنَا الوَحِيْدِين يَللي مْنَعْرِف سِرّ فَتِح هالصَّنْدُوْق (سَنْدُوْق) ‎[S] We are the only ones who know the combination to this safe,
‏سِرّ مِغْلَق، ج أَسْرَاْر مِغْلَقَة ‎[S] mystery, unsolvable secret
‏كِيْف دَبَّرَهْا سِرّ مِغْلَق عَلِيِّ ‎[S] How he managed it is a mystery to me

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  Root: ش ا ت
Word: شَاْت
  chat (from the English chat, referring to things like chat programs)

اْبْعَت لَو رسالة ع الشَّات ‎[V] send him a message on chat (also ميسيج, i.e. message, is used)
‏فتح شَات مَعَهْا ‎[V] he opened a chat with her

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  Root: ش ع ب
Word: شُعبِة، ج شُعَب
[S] شِعْبِة، ج شِعَب
  branch, department (of a shop, bank, etc.);
[pronunciation: šuʕbe، šuʕab]

مَكتَبنَا فِيْه إِلُو شُعبِة زغِيْرِة في أَيْلَات ‎[P] our office has a small branch in Eliat; {maktabna fīᴴ ʔilo šuʕbe zġīre fy ʔēlāt}
‏البَنْك إِلَو شَعِبْتَين بِالبَلَد ‎[S] The bank has two branches in town
‏فَتَح شِعْبِة ‎[S] to open a new branch, branch out
‏شِرْكِتْنَا بِدَّهْا تِفْتَح شِعَب عَن قَرِيْب ‎[S] Our company is going to branch out before long.

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  Root: ش غ ل
Word: شُغُل / [P, G] شُغِل، ج أَشغَال
[L] شُغُل / شُغِل / شِغِل
[S] شِغِل (شِغْل)، ج أَشْغَاْل

فَتَح شِغِل ‎[S] to open a business, to go into business

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  Root: ش ل و ن
Word: شْلَوْن / اِْشْلَوْن
(this word is mainly Syrian, and is rarely heard outside of the Syrian dialect.);
[pronunciation: šºlōn / 'ºᵉšºlōn]

شْلَوْنَك ‎[P] how are you?; {šºlōnak}
‏كِيْف حالَك = شْلَوْنَك ‎[S] How are you?
‏شْلَوْن سَاوَيْت ‎[P] how did you do (it); {šºlōn sāwēt}
‏شْلَوْنَكِ اليَوْم ‎[S] How do you feel today?
‏شْلَوْن لِسَّاتَك هَوْن ‎[S] How come you're still here?
‏كِيْف مَا = شْلَوْن ما ‎[S] however,
‏شْلَوْن أَبُوْه = كِيْف حال أَبُوه ‎[S] How is his father?
‏شْلَوْن ما بِدَّو يْكُوْن بَرْد وِالشِّبَّاك مَفْتُوْح ‎[S] No wonder it's cold. The window is open
‏شْلَوْن ما بِدَّو يِسْقُط بِالفَحِص وْهُوِّ ما فَتَحِ كْتَاب ‎[S] No wonder he flunked the he didn't open a book

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  Root: ع ر ق
Word: عَرَق / عَرَق
  sweat, perspiration;
[pronunciation: ʕaraq / ʕɑrɑʠ
[S] ق = ء]

أَنَا كُلّي عَرَق ‎[P] I'm pouring with sweat; { ʔana kully ʕaraq}
‏بِيمسَحِ العَرَق عَنِ جبِيْنُو ‎[P] he wipes the sweat from his forehead; {bimsaḥᴵ-l-ʕaraq ʕanᵉ jbīno}
‏سَابِحِ بْعَرَق ‎[P] (he) is swimming in sweat; {sābeḥᵉ bºʕɑrɑq}
‏مَسَحِ العَرَق مِن على جْبِيْنَو ‎[S] He wiped the sweat from his brow
‏فَتَح طَرِيْقَو مِن آذِن لَنَائِب رَئِيْس بْكَدَّو وْعَرَقِ جْبِيْنَو ‎[S] He has gradually worked himself up from office boy to vice president,

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  Root: ع ي د
Word: عِيَادِة، ج عِيَادَات
[S] عْيَاْدِة، ج عْيَاْدَاْت
[pronunciation: ʕiyāde، ʕiyādāt]

فَتَح عِيَادِة في القَريِة ‎[P] he opened a clinic in the village; {fataḥ ʕiyāde fy-l-ʠɑrye}
‏ العِيَادِة مَفتُوْحَة لَ-حَدِّ السَاعَة طْنَاعِش ‎[P] the clinic is open until twelve o'clock; {'il-ʕiyāde maftūḥa la-ḥaddᴵ-s-sĒʕa ṭºnᾱʕᵉš}
‏فِيك تِطَبَّبِ بْبَلاش بِالِعْيادِة ‎[S] You can get free treatment at the clinic,

Rate Translation
  Root: ع ي ن
Word: عَيْن، المثنى: عِيْنَيْن / عِنَيْن، ج عْيُوْن
[S] عَيْن، ج عْيُوْن، المثنى: عَيْنْتَيْن
  eye; (or the negative effect left by the evil eye);
(the singular is feminine);
(the “true” dual is عَيْنتَيْن , by which I mean that to refer to “both” eyes or “two” eyes, this is the form that should be used);
(the “dual” عينين is commonly used and should be treated as a plural. Note the following conjugation with suffix pronouns:
3iinayye / 3iinayyi (عينَيِّ),
عينيكُم / عَينَيكو
عِيْنَيهُم / عِيْنَيْهِن
(the plural form عيون is often used to refer to a single persons eyes, as in عيونها سُود her eyes are black.)
(الأثر السيء الذي تتركه العين الشريرة في اعتقاد العامة أو الإصابة بالعين);
[pronunciation: ʕēn، ʕīnēn / ʕinēn، ʕºyūn]

بْعَيْن وَحَدِة ‎[P] with one eye; {bºʕēn waḥade}
‏غَمِّض عَيْنَكِ اليَمِيْن ‎[P] close your right eye! {ġɑmmeḍ ʕēnakᴵ-l-yamīn}
‏عَيْني الشمَالِ بْتُوْجَعني ‎[P] my left eye is causing me pain; {ʕēny-š-šmālᵉ bºtūjaʕny}
‏اِعيُوْنهَا سُوْد ‎[P] her eyes are black; {'ᵉʕyūnha sūd}
‏غَمِّض عِيْنَيْك ‎[P] close your eyes! (male); {ġɑmmeḍ ʕīnēk}
‏غَمِّضي عِيْنَيْكِ ‎[P] close your eyes! (female); {ġɑmmeḍy ʕīnēki}
‏فَتِّح عِنَيْك ‎[P] open your eyes!; {fatteḥ ʕinēk}
‏ العَيْنتَيْن مُصَابِيْن بِالمَرَض ‎[P] both eyes are affected by the illness; {'il-ʕēntēn muṣᾱbīn bi-l-mɑrɑḍ}
‏حَكِيْم عْيُوْن ‎[S] oculist, eye doctor
‏بِنْهَاْر صَاْحِي فِيْكِ تْشُوفِ البَلَد مِن هَوْن بِالعَيْن الِـمْجَرَّدِة ‎[S] On a clear day you can see the town from here with the naked eye
‏رِيْفِ العَيْن ‎[S] eyelash, eyelashes
‏بِبُّو عَيْن، ج بِبُّيَاْت عْيُوْن ‎[S] eyeball
‏اِللي عَيْنَك عَلَيه عَيْن كِلِّ النَّاس عَلَيه ‎[J] that which your eye is on, everyone's eye is on. (proverb)
‏وِيْصِير يْقٔول لك (يْئِلَّك)، "يا عين!" ‎[L] And he says, "Wow! Delicious."
‏سوري وعينيْك بس بدنا نِفْحَصَك. ‎[L] Sorry to wake you up. We just need to check on you.

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ت ح
Word: تْفَتَّح، يِتْفَتَّح
  to open, open up, unfold

حَبَّات الِسْمِيد لِسَّه ما تْفَتّْحِت ‎[L] the granules of semolina (flour) still haven't opened (from context: absorbed the liquid and become fully cooked)

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Word: فَتَح
to open (ه = a path)
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to open (ه =;
[pronunciation: fataḥ، yiftaḥ]

فَتَحتِ المَكتُوْب ‎[P] I opened the letter; {fataḥtᴵ-l-maktūb}
‏اِفتَح لي / اِفتَحي لي ‎[P] open (the door) for me! (male and female forms shown); {'iftah ly / 'iftaḥy ly}
‏ البَاب مَفتُوْح ‎[P] the door is open; {'il-bāb maftūḥ}
‏كُلِّ الشَبَابِيْك مَفتُوْحَة ‎[P] all the windows are open; {kullᴵ-š-šabābīk maftūḥa}
‏بَالله اْفْتَحِ (فْتَاحِ) البَاب ‎[S] Open the door, please
‏اْفْتَح (فْتَاح كِلِّ الشَّبَابِيك (الشَّبَبِيْك) على آخِرَهْا ‎[S] Open all the windows wide
‏اْفْتَحُوا كِتِبْكُن ‎[S] Open your books to page five,
‏هَلَّق اْفْتَح (فْتَاح) تِمَّك لَآخْرَو ‎[S] Now open your mouth wide
‏لازِم نِفْتَحِ الفَقْفُوْلِة ‎[S] we’ll have to cut open the blister
‏فَتَح حَدِيث ‎[S] to strike up a conversation
‏حاوَلْت اِفْتَح حَدِيْث مَعِ البِنِت ‎[S] I tried to strike up a conversation with the girl

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to unlock (ه =

فَتَح قِفِل + إضافة ‎[S] to unlock
‏اْفْتَح (فْتَاْح) قِفْلِ الباب ‎[S] Unlock the door

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to open up, make accessible (ه =, على = to s.o.) (typically said of God)

اَلله فاتِح عَلِيِّ اليَوْم ‎[S] I'm in good form today
‏كان اَلله مُو فاتِح عَلَيْه يَوْمِتْهَا، مِنْ هَيْكِ اْنْغَلَب ‎[S] He was in bad form that day, That’s why he lost the game,

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to open (ه = a way)

فَتَح طَرِيق ‎[S] either 1. to open / make a way, or 2. to make a road, run a road (ب = in / through)
‏كان أَبُوه يَللي فَتَح لَو الطَّرِيق بِالشِّرْكِة ‎[S] It was his father who gave him a start in the company
‏فَتَح طَرِيْقَو مِن آذِن لَنَائِب رَئِيْس بْكَدَّو وْعَرَقِ جْبِيْنَو ‎[S] He has gradually worked himself up from office boy to vice president,
‏اْنْجَبَرِت اِفْتَح طَرِيْقِي بِالعَجْقَة ‎[S] I had to work my way through the crowd
‏فَتَح طَرِيْق ‎[S] to make way
‏فَتَح فَتَح ‎[S] to make one's way

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to open (ه = (for the first time) (e.g. of a store, account, etc.)

قَدَّيْش سَار لَك فَاتِح هَا المَكتَب ‎[P] how long ago did you open this office? (active participle is the perfective aspect); {qaddēš sᾱr lak fāteḥ ha-l-maktab}
‏فَتَحُوا حْسَاب بِالبَنْكِ الوَطَنِي ‎[S] They opened an account at the National Bank
‏لَحَ يِفْتَحُوا المَخْزَنِ الجّْدِيد يَوْم جِمْعَة الجَّايِة ‎[S] They'll open the new store next Friday
‏الطَّرِيْقِ الجّْدِيد لَحَ يِنْفِتِح عَن قَرِيْب لِلسَّيْر ‎[S] The new road will soon be opened to traffic
‏فَتَح شِعْبِة ‎[S] to open a new branch, branch out
‏شِرْكِتْنَا بِدَّهْا تِفْتَح شِعَب عَن قَرِيْب ‎[S] Our company is going to branch out before long.
‏فَتَح شِغِل ‎[S] to open a business, to go into business
‏فَتْحِت شِغِل لَحَالَهْا ‎[S] She has gone into business for herself,

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to let out (ه =, e.g. clothes)

قِلْتِ لَّو لِلْخَيَّاط يِفْتَحِ الخَوَايِط ‎[S] I told the tailor to let out the seams

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to turn on, switch on, open (ه =, e.g. a light)

لَيْش ما لْتِفْتَحِ الضَّوّ ‎[S] Why don't you turn on the light?
‏نْسِيْت اِفْتَحِ الرَّادْيَو ‎[S] I forgot to turn on the radio,
‏اْفْتَحِ (فْتَاحِ) الكِنْتَاك ‎[S] Switch on the ignition,

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to be open, open up;
note use of active participle in examples for stating open hours of a place;
[pronunciation: fataḥ، yiftaḥ]

المَحَلّ فَاتِح ‎[P] the store is open; {'il-maḥall fāteḥ}
‏لَأَيّ سَاعَة بيْضَلُّو فَاتِح ‎[P] until what time is it open?; {laʔ¡ayy sĒʕa byºḍɑllo fāteḥ}
‏المَطْعَم بِيْضَلّ فاتِح لَلتلاتِة الصِبِح ‎[V] the restaurant remains open until 3 in the morning;
‏المَطْبَخ فاتِح ٢٣ ساعة ‎[V] the kitchen is open 24 hours;
‏في شي صَيدَلِيِّة فاتْحَة هَلَّق ‎[V] there is a pharmacy open now;

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Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to read (ه = a fortune);
[pronunciation: fataḥ، yiftaḥ]

هِيِّ بْتِفتَح فِنجَانِ القَهوِة ‎[P] she reads the coffee grounds; {hiyye bºtiftaḥ finjānᴵ-l-qahwe}
‏بْتِفتَحِ البَخت ‎[P] she tells fortunes (literally: she opens luck); {bºtiftaḥᴵ-l-baḵt}

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Word: فَتَح، يِفتَح
[L] فَتَح، يِفْتَح
[S] فَتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح (فَتْح)
  to scry, prophecy (في / ب = by contemplating;
[pronunciation: fataḥ، yiftaḥ]

بْتِفتَح بِالقَهوِة ‎[P] she reads the coffee (grounds); {bºtiftaḥ bi-l-qahwe}
‏بيْفتَح في المَندَل ‎[P] he's a seer / scryer (he prophesies the future by contemplating the surface of a liquid or by scrutinizing something, e.g. a handful of chickpeas); {byºftaḥ fy-l-mandal}
‏بيْفتَح في الزَيْت ‎[P] he scries with oil (i.e. he scrutinizes the surface of the liquid for the purpose of divination); {byºftaḥ fy-z-zēt}
‏بيْفتَح في المَيّ ‎[P] he scries with water; {byºftaḥ fy-l-mɑyy}

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Word: فَاتِح، ج فَاتحِيْن، المؤنث: فَاتحَة
[S] فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن
Word: فَاتِح، ج فَاتحِيْن، المؤنث: فَاتحَة
[S] فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن
  open (said of a shop, business, etc.);
(this is the active participle of فَتَح);
[pronunciation: fāteḥ، fātḥīn، fātḥa]

اِنتِا فَاتِح يَوْمِ السَبت ‎[P] are you open on Saturday?; {'inte fāteḥ yōmᴵ-s-sabt}
‏اِنْتُوا فاتْحِينِ السَّبِت ‎[S] Are you open on Saturday?
‏نِحْنَا فَاْتْحِين مْنِ التِّسْعَة لَلسِّتِّة = نِحْنَا مْنِفْتَح مْنِ التِّسْعَة لَلسِّتِّة ‎[S] We're open from nine to six
‏صَالِةِ الأَكِل لِسَّاتَهْا مُو فَاتْحَة = صالِة الأَكِل لِسَّا ما فَتْحِت ‎[S] The dining room isn't open yet (the difference between the two is that one with the verbs means “it has not opened yet”, and the AP فاتحة means it is not open)
‏ أَيْمتَى فَاتهِيْن ‎[P] when are you open?; { ʔēmta fāthīn}
‏اِهنَا فَاتهِيْن مِنِ التِسعَة لَ السِتِّة ‎[P] we're open from nine until six; {'ihna fāthīn minᴵ-t-tisʕa la-s-sitte}

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Word: فَاتِح، ج فَاتحِيْن، المؤنث: فَاتحَة
[S] فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن
  pale, light (said of a color);
[pronunciation: fāteḥ، fāthīn، fātḥa]

أَزرَق فَاتِح ‎[P] light blue; { ʔazraq fāteḥ}
‏بِتْحِبّ تِلْبِس أَوَاعِي لَوْنَهْا فَاتِح ‎[S] She likes to wear bright colors.
‏بِتْحِبِّ الأَلْوَانِ الفاتْحَة ‎[S] She prefers light colors
‏بِدِّي بِرْنَيْطَة زَرْقَا فاتْحَة = بِدِّي بِرْنَيْطَة لَوْنَهْا سَمَاوِي ‎[S] I want a light blue hat

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Word: فَاتِحَة
الفاتِحَة : the first chapter of the Qur'an, meaning “the opening;
[pronunciation: fātiḥa]
Word: مَفْتُوْح

الغَاز مَفْتُوْح ‎[S] Is the gas on?
‏لازِم يْكُوْن فَاتِ مْنِ الشِّبَّاكِ المَفْتُوْح ‎[S] He must have come in through the open window
‏خُد (خَوْدِ) الصَّنْدُوْقِ المَفْتُوْح أَوَّل ‎[S] Take the opened box first
‏خَلِّي عَيْنَك مَفْتُوْحَة عَلَيْه ‎[S] Keep a sharp eye on him

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Word: فَتِح
  opening (as a maSdar of فَتَح);
[pronunciation: fatᵉḥ]

مَنَعُوْه مِن فَتحِ الدُكَّان ‎[P] they prevented him from opening the shop; {manaʕūᴴ min fatḥᴵ-d-dukkān}

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Word: فَتِح، ج فُتُوْح / فُتُوْحَات
[pronunciation: fatᵉḥ، futūḥ / futūḥāt]

الفَتحِ الإِسلَامي ‎[P] the Islamic conquest; {'il-fatḥᴵ-l-ʔislāmy}
‏ الفُتُوْهَات ‎[P] the conquests; {'il-futūhāt}
‏ الفَتِح ‎[P] Al Fatah, the Palestinian Liberation Movement (this is actually the reversed acronym of the name, since in Arabic it is حركَة تَحْرِير فِلَسطين , i.e حتف . Reversing the order of the letters plays on the meaning of “conquest”); {'il-fatᵉḥ}

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Word: فَتحَة، ج فَتحَات
[S] فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت
  opening, slot, aperture;
[pronunciation: fatḥa، fatḥāt]

حُطّ قُطعَة في الفَتحَة ‎[P] put a coin in the slot; {ḥoṭṭ quṭʕɑ fy-l-fatḥa}
‏الفَتْحَة مُو كْبِيرِة كْفَايِة ‎[S] The opening isn't big enough
‏اْعْمِلِ (عْمَيْلِ) الفَتْحَة شْوَيّْ أَطْوَل ‎[S] Make the slit a bit longer

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Word: فَتحَة، ج فَتحَات
[S] فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت
the vowel / diacritic mark ـَ (i.e. the vowel /a/);
[pronunciation: fatḥa، fatḥāt]
Word: فِتِح، ج فِتحِيْن، المؤنث: فِتحَة
[S] فِتِح
  clever, bright, quick to catch on;
[pronunciation: fiteḥ، fitḥīn، fitḥa]

هُوِّ واحِد فِتِح ‎[S] He's a wide-awake fellow
‏بْيِفْهَمِ بْسِرْعَة = هُوِّ فِتِح ‎[S] He catches on quickly,
‏هُوِّ فِتِح = هُوِّ زَلَمِة فِتِح ‎[S] He's an alert fellow
‏مَا لَو هالقَدّْ فِتِح ‎[S] He's no mental giant,
‏هَا الوَلَد فِتِح، أَفتَح مِن عُمرُو ‎[P] that boy is clever, more clever than (expected for) his age; {ha-l-walad fiteḥ، ʔaftaḥ min ʕumro}

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Word: فَتَّاح
  reference to God, meaning the one who opens ways or provides opportunities;

يا فَتَّاح يا عَليم يا رَزَّاق يا كَرِيم ‎[V] common phrsae said when opening a shop or starting a business transaction of sorts, meaning O provider of opportunites, O knowledgeable one, O sustainer, O generous one;

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Word: فَتَّاح، ج فَتَّاحِيْن، المؤنث: فَتَّاحَة
fortune teller;
[pronunciation: fattāḥ، fattāḥīn، fattāḥa]
Word: فَتَّاحَة، ج فَتَّاحَات
[L] فِتَّاحة
[S] فَتَّاْحِة، ج فَتَّاْحَاْت
  opener (e.g. can opener, tin opener, bottle opener, corkscrew, etc.)
[pronunciation: fattāḥa، fattāḥāt]

‎[P, J] فَتَّاحِة عُلَب ‎[P] can opener; {‎[P, J] fattāḥe ʕulab}
‏‎[P, G] فَتَّاحِة عِلَب ‎[P] can opener; {‎[P, G] fattāḥe ʕilab}
‏فِتَّاحِة عِلَب ‎[L] can opener
‏فَتَّاْحِة قَنَاْنِي ‎[S] corkscrew
‏فَتَّاْحِة عِلْبِة ‎[S] can opener

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Word: مُفتَاح، ج مَفَاتِيْح
[L] مِفْتَاح
[S] مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح (مَفَتِيْح)
[pronunciation: muftāḥ، mafātīḥ]

مُفتَاح إِنِگلِيْزي ‎[P] spanner / wrench; {muftāḥ ʔinᵉglīzy}
‏ المَفَاتِيْح مَعَك ‎[P] have you got the keys with you?; {'il-mafātīḥ maʕak}
‏مُفتَاحِ الكَهرَبَا خَربَان ‎[P] the switch is broken; {muftāḥᴵ-l-kahrɑbɑ ḵarbān}
‏هَيْدَا مِفْتاح باب المَدْخَل ‎[L] this is the key of the entrance door;
‏ضَيَّعِت مِفْتَاح أُوْضْتِي ‎[S] I've lost the key to my room
‏هادا كان مِفْتَاحِ السِّرّ ‎[S] That was the key to the mystery
‏فِي مِفْتَاح بِيْعَلِّق بِالآلِة الكَاتْبِة تَبَعِي ‎[S] One of the keys on my typewriter gets stuck,

Rate Translation
Word: مُفتَاح، ج مَفَاتِيْح
[L] مِفْتَاح
[S] مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح (مَفَتِيْح)
  (electrical) switch;
[pronunciation: muftāḥ، mafātīḥ]

المِفْتَاح جَنْبِ البَاب ‎[S] The switch is next to the door

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Word: مُفتَاح، ج مَفَاتِيْح
[L] مِفْتَاح
[S] مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح (مَفَتِيْح)

مِفْتَاح إِنْگْلِيزِي، ج مَفَاتِيْح إِنْگْلِيزِيِّة ‎[S] monkey wrench
‏مِفْتَاح شَقّ ‎[S] wrench (single or double headed)
‏مِفْتَاح إِنْگْلِيْزِي ‎[S] Stillson wrench, pipe wrench

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Word: مُفتَاح، ج مَفَاتِيْح
[L] مِفْتَاح
[S] مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح (مَفَتِيْح)

مِفْتَاْح مِن مَفَاتِيْحِ الكَمَنْجَة تَبَعِي بِيْضَلِّ بْيِرْخِي ‎[S] One peg of my violin keeps working loose,

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Word: أَفتَح
  paler / palest, lighter / lightest (said of a color);
[pronunciation: ʔ¡aftaḥ]

لَوْن أَفتَح ‎[P] a paler color; {lōn ʔaftaḥ}

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Word: فَتَّح، يْفَتِّح
  to open (ه = the eyes);
[pronunciation: fattaḥ، yºfatteḥ]

لَمَّا فَتَّح عِيْنَيْه ‎[P] when he opened his eyes; {lamma fattaḥ ʕīnēᴴ}
‏كَانِ مْفَتِّح ‎[P] his eyes were open; {kānᵉ mºfatteḥ}
‏فَتَّحِ عْيُوْن حَدَا ‎[S] to put one the wise
‏ما بْتِعْتِقِد صار لازِم نْفَتِّح لَو عْيُوْنَو ‎[S] Don’t you think we ought to put him wise?

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Word: مْفَتِّح، ج مْفَتّْحِيْن، المؤنث: مْفَتّْحَة
  (having) one's eyes open;
(active participle from فتَّح , which is the perfective aspect, i.e. one has already opened his / her eyes);
[pronunciation: mºfatteḥ، mºfattºḥīn، mºfattºḥa]

كَانِ مْفَتِّح ‎[P] he had opened his eyes; {kānᵉ mºfatteḥ}
‏العَيْن مْفَتّْحَة عَلَيْنَا كْتِير ‎[L] We're really exposed now!, They've really got their eye on us now.

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Word: مْفَتِّح، ج مْفَتّْحِيْن، المؤنث: مْفَتّْحَة
  sighted, able to see;
[pronunciation: mºfatteḥ، mºfattºḥīn، mºfattºḥa]

المُكفُوْفِيْن وِاْلِمْفَتّْحِيْن ‎[P] the blind and the sighted; {'il-mukfūfīn wi'ºlᵉmºfattºḥīn}

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Word: فَاتَح، يْفَاتِح
  to start talking to, get into a conversation (ه = with s.o.);
[pronunciation: fātaḥ، yºfāteḥ]

فَاتَحني ‎[P] he started talking to me; {fātaḥny}

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Word: فَاتَح، يْفَاتِح
  to broach, open a conversation (ه = with s.o., في = on a topic);
[pronunciation: fātaḥ، yºfāteḥ]

مَا عْرِفتِش كِيْف أَفَاتحَك في المَوضُوْع ‎[P] I didn't know how to open a conversation with you on the subject; {ma ʕºreftᵉš kīf ʔafātḥak fy-l-mɑwḍūʕ}

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Word: تَفَتَّح
to dawn on (ل = s.o.)
Word: اْنفَتَح، يِنِفتِح
[S] اْنْفَتَح، يِنْفِتِح
  to be opened; (also to be cut open, split open, etc. depending on context)
[pronunciation: ºnfataḥ، yinᵉfteḥ]

اْنْفَتَح قِفِل + إضافة ‎[S] to be unlocked

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Word: اْنفَتَح، يِنِفتِح
[S] اْنْفَتَح، يِنْفِتِح
  to open (intransitive)

البَاب بْيِنْفِتِح بِسْهُوْلِة هَلَّق ‎[S] The door opens easily now
‏فَجأَة اْنفَتَحِ البَاب ‎[P] suddenly the door opened; {fajʔ¡a ’ºnfataḥᴵ-l-bāb}
‏هَادَا بيْنِفتِح وْبيْتسَكَّر ‎[P] it opens and closes; {hāda byºnᵉfteḥ wºbyºtsɑkkɑr}
‏ البَاب بيْنِفتِح لَحَالُو ‎[P] the door opens by itself; {'il-bāb byºnᵉfteḥ laḥālo}

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Word: اْنفَتَح، يِنِفتِح
[S] اْنْفَتَح، يِنْفِتِح
to be turned on, switched on (e.g. a light)
Word: اْنْفَتّ
to be dealt (cards)
Word: مُنفَتِح، ج مُنفَتْحِيْن، المؤنث: مُنفَتِحَة
[pronunciation: munfateḥ، munfatºḥīn، munfatiḥa]
Word: مُنفَتِح، ج مُنفَتْحِيْن، المؤنث: مُنفَتِحَة
[pronunciation: munfateḥ، munfatºḥīn، munfatiḥa]

مُجتَمَع مُنفَتِح ‎[P] liberal society, open-minded society; {mujtamaʕ munfateḥ}

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Word: اْفْتَتَح
  to open (for the first time), inaugurate (ه =

أَنَا هَلَّق بِفْتِتِحِ الجَّلْسِة ‎[S] I now call the meeting to order
‏رَئِيْسِ البَلَدِيِّة اْفْتَتَحِ المَعْرَض ‎[S] The Mayor opened the exposition

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Word: اْفتِتَاح
[S] اِفْتِتَاْح
  (initial) opening, inauguration;
[pronunciation: ºftitāḥ]

حَضَرِت اِفْتِتَاحِ المَعْرَض ‎[S] Were you at the opening of the exhibition?
‏اْفتِتَاحِ المَدَارِس ‎[P] the start of the school year; {'ºftitāḥᴵ-l-madāres}
‏اْفتِتَاحِ المَهرَجَان ‎[P] the opening of the festival; {'ºftitāḥᴵ-l-mahrajān}
‏اْفتِتَاحِ المَصنَع ‎[P] the (official) opening of the factory; {'ºftitāḥᴵ-l-mɑṣnɑʕ}

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Word: اْفتِتَاحي
[S] اِفْتِتَاْحِي
  opening (pertaining to the first opening), introductory, preliminary, prefatory, inaugural (adjective);
[pronunciation: ºftitāḥy]

مَقَالِ اْفتِتَاحي ‎[P] editorial; {mɑʠᾱlᴵ ‘ºftitāḥy}
‏الجَّلْسِة تْأَجَّلِت بَعِد كِلْمِة اِفْتِتَاحِيِّة قَصِيرِة ‎[S] The meeting adjourned after a brief opening statement
‏تَذَاكِرِ الحَفْلِة الاِفْتِتَاحِيِّة نَفْدِت ‎[S] Tickets for opening night sold out

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Word: اْفتِتَاحِيِّة
[pronunciation: ºftitāḥiyye]
  Root: ف ه م
Word: فِهِم، يِفهَم
[S] فِهِم، يِفْهَم، فِهِم (فِهْم)
  to understand, grasp, comprehend (ه =;
the use of the active participle (فاهِم / فاهْمِة / فاهْمِين) usually indicates a specific instance of understanding. Like I don't understand that word (انا مش فاهمِة هالكِلْمِة). In contrast, the usage of بيفهم indicates a longer, more ongoing process of understanding. Hence one says بَفْهَم عَرَبِي to mean “I understand Arabic,” implying that is not just a single instance but more broadly.
[pronunciation: fihem، yifham]

مَا فْهِمتِش وَلَا كِلمِة ‎[P] I didn't understand a single word; {ma fºhemtᵉš wala kilme}
‏مِتِلمَا فْهِمِت ‎[P] as I have understood, to the best of my understanding; {mitᵉlma fºhimᵉt}
‏ أَنَا مُش فَاهِم إِشي ‎[P] I don't understand anything; { ʔana muš fāhem ʔišy}
‏في إِشي أَنَا مُش فَاهمُو ‎[P] there's something I don't understand; {fy ʔišy ʔana muš fāhmo}
‏بَفهَمِ شوَيّ ‎[P] I understand a bit; {bafhamᵉ šwayy}
‏بْتِفهَم اِنتِا بِاْلسَّيَّارَات ‎[P] do know about cars?; {bºtifham 'inte bi'ºssayyᾱrᾱt}
‏عَم تِفْهَمْنِي وللا لأ ‎[L] are you understanding me or not?
‏فِهِم شِي غَلَط ‎[S] to mistake, misunderstand
‏ما تِفْهَمْنِي غَلَط ‎[S] Don't misunderstand me
‏هُوِّ بَابِ مْسَكَّر، ما لِي عَم اِفْهَمَو ‎[S] I can't figure him out
‏فْهِمْتِ الفِكْرَة ‎[S] Do you get the idea?
‏فْهِمْتْنِي غَلَط ‎[S] You got me wrong,
‏ما فْهِمْتْ هَللي قَالَو ‎[S] I didn’t get what he said,
‏فْهِمِت ‎[S] I get it!
‏ما لِي عَم اِفْهَم عَ المَظْبُوْط شُو عَم تِعْنِي بْهالشِّي ‎[S] I don't quite grasp what you mean by that,
‏فَهْمَاْن شُو عَم يِقْصُد ‎[S] Can you make out what he means?
‏فِهِم حَقِيْقِة + إضافة ‎[S] to understand the truth (of the matter), to see through…
‏حَيَالله واحِد فِيه يِفْهَم حَقِيقِة هَالشَّخِص ‎[S] Anybody can see through that guy
‏ما فِينِي اِفْهَم كِيْف صارِت ‎[S] I can't understand how it happened
‏بْيِفْهَمِ بْسِرْعَة = هُوِّ فِتِح ‎[S] He catches on quickly,
‏فِهْمِتِ الفِكْرَة حالًا ‎[S] She immediately caught on to the idea,

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  Root: ك د د
Word: كَدّ
  diligence, hard work

فَتَح طَرِيْقَو مِن آذِن لَنَائِب رَئِيْس بْكَدَّو وْعَرَقِ جْبِيْنَو ‎[S] He has gradually worked himself up from office boy to vice president,

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  Root: و س ع
Word: وَاسِع، ج وَاسْعِيْن، المؤنث: وَاسْعَة
  wide, broad

رِبِحِ الاِنْتِخاباتِ بْفَرْقِ كْبِير / واسِع ‎[S] He won the election by a comfortable margin
‏هَالاِكْتِشَاف فَتَح حَقِل واسِع لِلأِبْحَاث ‎[S] That discovery has opened up a wide field of research

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  Root: و ص ل
Word: اْتِّصَال، ج اْتِّصَالَات
[S] اِتِّصَاْل، ج اِتِّصَاْلَاْت
  link, connection, contact;
[pronunciation: ºttiṣᾱl، 'ºttiṣᾱlᾱt]

اْتِّصَالَات شَخصِيِّة ‎[P] personal contacts; {'ºttiṣᾱlᾱt šɑḵṣiyye}
‏خَلِّيْنَا عَلَى اْتِّصَال ‎[P] let's keep in touch!; {ḵallīna ʕala ‘ºttiṣᾱl}
‏خَلِّيْك على اِتِّصَال فِيِّ ‎[S] Keep in touch with me
‏صَارِ لْنَا (صَرِلْنَا) على اِتِّصَال مِتْوَاصِل مِن وَقْتِ الحَرِب ‎[S] We've been in close touch since the war
‏اِتِّصَالَاتَو فِيْهُن خَلَّاه يْشُوفِ الأُمُوْر غَيْر شِكِل = اِتِّصَالَاتَو فِيْهُن فَتَح لَو إِفْقِ جْدِيد ‎[S] Contact with them gave him a new perspective
‏عْمِلِت عِدِّة اِتِّصَالَات تِجارِيِّة جْدِيدِة بْهالسَّفْرَة ‎[S] made several new business contacts on that trip.

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح
فَتَحَ دكاناً: أي باشر العمل التجاري.
- فَتَحَ بيته: أي جعله مثابة للضيوف.
- فَتَحَ صوته: غنّى بطبقة صوتية عالية.
- فَتَحَ الرجلُ الفتاة: فضّ بكارتها.
- فَتَحَ الموضوع: بادر بالكلام فيه.
- فَتَحَ النار: أطلق الرصاص.
- فَتَحَ الدجاجةُ: وضعت أول بيضة لها.
- فَتَحَ : "أعطاه ما فتح ورزق" أي أعطاه الكثير.
- فَتَحَ : "ما فتح تموّ" كناية عن السكوت المطبق.
- فَتَحَ : "فتح تموّ" كناية عن الكلام.
- فَتَحَ فال: كشف البخت أو استطلعه عند "البصّارين" وأمثالهم.
- فَتَحَ البابُ: أي انفتح. وفتح في العامية لازم متعدّ.
- فَتَحَ عينه: أي راقب بانتباه.
- فَتَحَ قلبه له: عامله بمحبة وصفاء.
- فَتَحَ مخّه: أقبل على الأمر بذهن صافٍ ومتيقّظ.
- فَتَحَ تلفون: أي تكلم بالهاتف.
- فَتَحَ مدرسة أو عيادة إلخ: أقامها أو افتتحها.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فَتَح
- "فتحت معه": أي تسهّلت أموره بعد ضيق أو انطلق في الكلام بعد عيّ.
- "فتحت قريحته": كان حاضر البديهة.
- فَتَحَ نفسُه: أقبل بشهية على الطعام بعد صدود.
- فَتَحَ على حاله باب: أي أتى لنفسه بأمر متعب كان من الممكن الخلاص منه.
- فَتَحَ صفحة جديدة: أي بدأ يتعامل من جديد ناسياً الماضي.
- فَتَحَ حساباً في البنك: أودع فيه مالاً.
- فَتَحَ االله عليه: ألهمه الصواب.
- يده: كناية عن الكرم أو الإنفاق الشديد.
- اللون: صار فاتحاً وهو ضد "الغامق".
- طريقاً لفلان: أفسح له بالمرور.
- فلان الحنفيّة: كناية عن شروعه بالكلام الذي لا يتوقّف.
- الحفلة: بدأها.
- طريق: شقّه.
- سيرته: جاء على ذكره.
- الجلسة: أعلن بدءها.
- الحنفية: سمح للماء أن يسيل منها.
- القنينة: نزع سدّادتها.
ولغة فتح الباب خلاف أغلقه. والشيء فرجه. والقناة فجرها ليجري الماء فيسقي الأرض. والحاكم بين الناس قضى فهو فاتح وفتّاح مبالغة. والسلطان دار الحرب غلب عليها وتمّلكها قهراً. واالله على نبيّه نصره. وفتح المأموم على إمامه قرأ ما أرتج على الإمام ليعرّفه.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فاتِح
صفة للون وهو ما خفّ لونه وضدّ "الغامق".
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فَتْح
مصدر بمعنى المفعول في قولهم "ترك الباب فتح" أي تركه مفتوحاً.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فِتِح
فِطن، نبيه.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فْتاح
فْتاح نِصّار: قرية في قضاء صافيتا.
"واللفظة السريانية petâσa تعني المفتاح، والمصراع، والمغلاق، والباب، والبَدْء، من الجذر الآرامي "فتح" أو "فتخ" وله معنيان فتح، وحفر ونحت (وعليه هنالك إمكانة أخرى وهي أن يكون الاسم فينيقياً بمعنى التمثال أو النقش على الحجر)". (معجم أسماء المدن: ١٣٠). والجزء الثاني من الاسم عربيّ.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فِتّاح
فِتّاح فال: الدّجّال المشعوذ الذي يدّعي بأنه قادر على كشف الغيب. وأصل الكلمة فأل وهي من التفاؤل. راجع "فال".
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فِتّاحَة
اسم لما تنزع به سدّادات القناني. صوابها فَتّاحة وقد أقرّها مجمع القاهرة.
- فِتّاحَة : النصل الرقيق من الخشب أو المعدن أو العاج يقطع به الورق. وقد أطلق عليها مجمع القاهرة اسم المِقطع.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: مِفْتاح
مِفْتاح إنكليزي: أداة لحلّ "العزقة" وشدّها. وفصيحه الأزّام.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فَتَّح
الزهر تفتّح.
- فَتَّح : عينيه، نظر. و"مجازاً" تنبّه لما يجري حوله.
- فَتَّح : "عينيه عشرة عشرة" أي تنبه جيداً لكل أمر.
- فَتَّح : الصبيّ صار فاهماً فطناً بعد أن كان ساذجاً.
ولغة فتّح الأبواب بمعنى فتح شدّد للكثرة.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: فاتَح
فلاناً بالأمر بادره بالتحدّث إليه فيه.
ولغة فاتح الرجل المرأة جامعها. وفلان فلاناً قاضاه أي حاكمه. وزيداً ساومه ولم يعطه شيئاً.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: اسْتَفْتَح
باع أول بيعة في يومه.
ولغة استفتح: طلب الفتح والشيء افتتحه.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
Word: اسْتفْتاحَة
أول بيعة يبيعها البائع في الصباح عند فتح دكانه ويقبض ثمنها نقداً.
ولغة استفتح الباب بمعنى فتحه. والشئ بكذا ابتدأه به. وفلان طلب الفتح واستنصر.
(ياسين عبد الرحيم، موسوعة العامية السورية)
  Root: ا م ل
Word: تْأَمِّل / اِتْأَمِّل، يِتْأَمِّل
  to make a close examination (في = of

فَتَح الساعة وْقَعَد يِتأَمِّل فِيها ‎[E] he opened the watch and scrutinized the works

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  Root: ب ح ر
Word: بَحَرِي / بَحْرِي
  northern; (because the sea is at the north of Egypt) (adjective, sometimes invariable)

بَلَكُوْنة بَحْرِي / بَحْرِيَّة ‎[E] a north facing balcony;
‏الوَجْه البَحْرِي ‎[E] Lower Egypt (the northern/sea-side face of the country);
‏فتح حاجة على البُحَري: يعني فتحها على الآخر ‎[E] to opened wide. I've heard this said بَحْرِي and بُحَرِي in different contexts (in Badawi for the later, and a book for the latter), as in:
‏فاتِح بَيْتُه عَ البَحْرِي ‎[E] he opened his house wide, said of one who behaves extravagantly in order to impress;

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Word: بُحَرِيّ
  see example, and see also بَحَرِي

فتح حاجة على البُحَري: يعني فتحها على الآخر ‎[E] to opened wide. I've heard this said بَحْرِي and بُحَرِي in different contexts (in Badawi for the later, and a book for the latter), as in:
‏فاتِح بَيْتُه عَ البَحْرِي ‎[E] he opened his house wide, said of

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  Root: ب ع د
Word: بِعِيْد
  adjective, also with plurals بُعَاد / بُعَداء : far (عن = from);

فَتَح مَكْتَب فِ حِتَّة بْعِيْدَة ‎[E] he opened an office in a remote place;
‏راجِل بِعِيد النَظَر = راجِل نَظَرُه بْعِيد ‎[E] a far-sighted man;
‏يا بْعِيد ‎[E] insulting form of address, in which the name of the person addressed is deliberately avoided;
‏البعيد ‎[E] form of reference to one who is absent and is the object of rebuke, intended to show that no aspersions are cast on anyone present, roughly: the person we don't want here, the unmentionable you know who;
‏بِعِيد عَن ‎[E] prophylactic phrase accompanying mention of something undesirable, roughly: may such a thing be far from you;
‏بِعيد عنك ‎[E] may it be far from you, god forbid it happens to you.
‏حَالِتْنا بَقِت زِفْت، بِعِيد عَنَّك ‎[E] our situation has become really bad, God forbid it happens to you;
‏بِعِيد عَن شَنَبَك ‎[E] it is beyond your mustache (meaning your ability), roughly meaning you'll never manage to do such a thing;
‏بِعِيد عَن العَين بِعِيد عَن القَلْب ‎[E] proverb: out of sight, out of mind;

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  Root: ب و ب 1
Word: باب، ج أَبْوَاب / بِبان
  door, gate;

فَتْح باب ‎[E] opening the door, meaning just a beginning;
‏أنا عايِز بَيت مِن بابُه ‎[E] I want a self-contained house;
‏باب البَدَن ‎[E] the body's door, meaning the anus;
‏مِن باب لِطاق ‎[E] just like that, for no apparent reason, as in:
‏عاوِز تِتْخانِق كِدا مِ الباب لِطاق ‎[E] do you want to quarrel like that, for no reason at all?!
‏يا باب النَبِي ‎[E] invocation of el-Sayyid el-Badawi;
‏على باب الله ‎[E] poor and with no connections to anyone (said 3ala bA-bAl-lAh);
‏مِن باب ‎[E] by way of, as in:
‏مِن باب المُجَامْلَة ‎[E] by way of courtesy;
‏مِن باب الذَوْق ‎[E] out of politeness;
‏من باب المَبْدَأ اللي ‎[E] on the principle which (says...);
‏باب النَجَّار مِخَلَّع ‎[E] proverb: the carpenter's door hangs awry, meaning that a skilled person often neglects his own family (like in English "the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot");
‏البَاب المَقْفُول يِبْعِد القَضَا المِسْتَعْجِل ‎[E] proverb: a closed door keeps unexpected calamities distant, meaning circumspection wards off danger;
‏الباب اِللي يْجِيْ لك مِنُّه رِيح سِدُّه وِاْسْتِرِيح ‎[E] proverb: close the door that let's wind in and relax, meaning stay away from likely sources of trouble;

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  Root: س ك ن 3
Word: سِكِّيْنة، ج سَكاكِين
  this word also refers to various objects that have a knife-like shape or appearance, such as a saddle clip to which the stirrup attaches, knife switch, center-board of a sailing boat, etc.

فَصَل / فَتَح السكينة ‎[E] to shut off the power (in electronics);
‏مُفَصَّلَة سكينة ‎[E] in carpentry, a hinge whose flange is countersunk into the door;

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  Root: س ن ن 1
Word: سِنّ، ج أَسْنان / سِنان / سِنون
  tooth; tooth like projection

فُرْشِة سنان ‎[E] tooth brush
‏دكتور أسنان ‎[E] dentist
‏سِنان اللَبَـن ‎[E] milk teeth;
‏سِنان المُنْشار ‎[E] the teeth of the saw;
‏سِنّ الفِيل ‎[E] elephant tusk;
‏خَدّ دَيْلُه فِ سْنانُه وْطار ‎[E] he put his tail in his teeth and took off, meaning he fled, took to his heels;
‏فتح حاجة بسنانك ‎[E] to open with your teeth;
‏العَين بِالعَين والسِنّ بالسِنّ ‎[E] proverb: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth;

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  Root: ص د ر
Word: صَدْر / سِدْر، ج صُدُور / إِصْدار
  chest, breast, bosom;; (the singular is said with a ص or س, as in Sadr or sidr)
[pronunciation: ص = ص / ص = س]

ضَرَبْتُه فْ سِدْرُه ‎[E] I struck him on the chest;
‏خَدْها على سِدْرُه ‎[E] he clasped her to his bosom;
‏بَعْدِ الوِلادة السِدْرِ بْيِكْبَر ‎[E] after childbirth the bosom becomes larger;
‏مُسْتَشْفَى الصَدْر ‎[E] chest hospital;
‏مَقاس السِدْر ‎[E] chest measurement, bust measurement;
‏سِدْرِ الخَطّ ‎[E] the side of the furrow;
‏صدور مَخْلِيّة (chicken) breasts (without the bones);
‏سِدْرُه واسِع ‎[E] he's tolerant and understanding, big hearted;
‏فَتَح لي سِدْرُه ‎[E] he became patient and understanding;
‏واخدة كل حاجة على صدرها: باخُد الأمر بحساسية ومش بتكبّر دماغها ‎[E] she takes everything as though it is against her, she takes everything too seriously;

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  Root: ظ ر ف
Word: مَظْرُوف، ج مَظارِيف
  envelope (particularly in contexts of tendering)
[pronunciation: ظ = ظ]

فَتْحِ المَظارِيف ‎[E] the opening of sealed tenders (for comparative study by the appointed committee)

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  Root: ع ب ب
Word: عِبّ
  "pocket" or space between one's shirt and chest

فَتَح لُهُم عِبُّه ‎[E] he encouraged them (to do mischief);
‏واخِد كُلَّ حاجة فْ عِبُّه ‎[E] he has everything in the bag, under his control;
‏الفار بِيِلْعَب فِ عِبِّي ‎[E] a mouse is playing in my عب , meaning something is worrying me;
‏تِفِّ فْ عِبَّك ‎[E] spit in your عِبّ, meaning count yourself lucky;
‏الفار بْيِلْعَب فِي عِبّي ‎[E] something is worrying me (the mouse is playing in the space between my shirt and chest)

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  Root: ع ك ك
Word: عَكَّا / عَكَّاء
  Acre, Akka (a town on the Mediterranean coast, north of Haifa, in what is now considered the Northern District of Israel);

عَمَل زِيِّ ما يْكُون فَتَح عَكَّا ‎[E] he behaved as though he'd conquered Acre, meaning he behaved as though he'd achieved the impossible;

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to open (ه =;
AP = perfective aspect

اِفْتَحِ الباب ‎[E] open the door!
‏أَوِّل حاجة فَتَحْتَ عَيْنَيَّ عَلَيها الصُبْح ‎[E] the first thing my eyes lighted on in the morning;
‏عُمْرَها ما فَتَحِت بُقَّها على حَدّ ‎[E] she's never opened her mouth (to say something) against anyone;
‏فاتِح بقه ‎[E] he opened his mouth (and it is still open)
‏فَتَحِ الكُوْتْشِيْنة / الكِتَاب ‎[E] to tell fortunes by cards (or by the stars);

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to open up, make accessible (ه =;

فَتَحْ لي بَيْتُه ‎[E] he opened his house to me;
‏السِكَّة مَفْتُوحة لَك ‎[E] the way is open to you;
‏وِلادة بْفَتْحِ بَطْن ‎[E] Caesarean delivery;
‏اِفْتَح لِ السِكَّة ‎[E] clear the (telephone) line for me;
‏يِفْتَحَ اْلله ‎[E] may God open a way, meaning certainly not, no way (emphatic refusal of an offer);
‏بِينِ البايِع والشاري يِفْتَح الله ‎[E] between the buyer and seller may God open (a way), meaning between two competing parties may God open an option, or (in bargaining), used to mean roughly "if you don't like my price, then you don't have to buy/sell";
‏الله يِفتَح عليك ‎[E] good grant you (god give you رزق );
‏رَبِّنا يِفْتَحْها عَلى ‎[E] may Our Lord provide help or profit for... as in:
‏رَبِّنا يِفْتَحْها عَلَيَّ بْقِرْشَين ‎[E] may Our Lord help me with some money;
‏إِيْدُه / بِيْتُه مَفْتُوحة ‎[E] he's generous and openhanded;
‏يِفْتَح الله ‎[E] may God open a way, meaning certainly not, no way (emphatic refusal of an offer)

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to turn on, set going, open (ه =, e.g. the lights);

التليفزيون مفتوح / شغّـال ‎[E] the TV is on;
‏اِفْتَحِ النُور ‎[E] switch the light on;
‏فَتَح صَوْتُه ‎[E] he let out a shout;
‏فَتَحِ النِفْس ‎[E] to stimulate the appetite, set one's mouth watering;

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to set up, establish, open (ه =, e.g. a shop);

فَتَحْتِ دُكَّان ‎[E] I opened a shop;
‏أَحِبَّ اْفْتَح حِساب عَنْدُكم ‎[E] I'd like to open an account with you;
‏فَتَح بَيْت ‎[E] to set up (one's own) house;
‏هُوَّ فاتِحِ البَيْت ‎[E] he is the breadwinner;

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to start, begin (ه =;

فَتَحْتِ مَحْضَر ‎[E] I instituted legal proceedings

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to conquer (ه =

زَيِّ ما يْكُون فَتَح عَكَّا ‎[E] as if he had conquered Acre, meaning as if he had accomplished the impossible;

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to open, open up; (intransitive)

الباب فَتَح ‎[E] the door opened;
‏المَحَلَّات فَاتْحة ‎[E] the shops are open;
‏الحُصان هايِج، ما تِفْتَحْ لُوش ‎[E] the horse is excited, don't give him his head;

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to be set up, be established, be opened; (intransitive)

مَطْعَم جِديد فَتَح فِ كُوْرْنِيش ‎[E] a new restaurant opened on the Corniche

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Word: فَتَح، يفتَح، فَتْح / فُتُوح / فَتَحان
  to become lighter (said of colors)

اللَونِ الأَحْمَر بِيِفْتَح فِ الشَمْس ‎[E] the red colors get lighter in the sun

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Word: فاتِح
  light, pale (said of colors); (adjective)

أَزْرَق فاتِح ‎[E] light blue

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Word: فاتِح
  noun with plural فَواتِح : light-colored items

ما تِغْسِلِيشِ الفَواتِح مَعَ الغَوامِق ‎[E] don't wash the lights with the darks (in the laundry)

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Word: فاتْحة
  الفاتْحة : the opening chapter of the Qur'an, in CA the name is said الفاتِحة. This literally means "The Opening". It is often read in various contexts, most commonly by two parties signing a contract, before two families agree to a marriage (which in Islam is a form of contract between the husband and wife), and for the deceased (such as at the graveyard or when remembering a lost family member);

قَرُوا فاتْحِتْها ‎[E] they read her Fatha, meaning that bride and groom's parents agreed to the marriage by reciting Al-Fatiha;
‏اِتْقَرِت فاتْـحِتْها ‎[E] Fatiha was read, meaning the deal was sealed, or the marriage was agreed to;
‏نسمع العروسة وهي بتقول آه ونقرا الفاتحة ‎[E] we should hear the bride and she says yes and we (will) read al-Fatha. The last part of this phrase is a reference to the sura in the Qur’an al-Faatiha. It is often read when an agreement is made, like shaking hands.
‏قَرَيْت الفاتحة على الأموات ‎[E] I read Al-Fatiha for the dead;
‏الفاتْحة على روح شخص / حاجة تعبير بيتقال بعد موت الشخص دا ومجازاً بعد موت الحاجة دي ‎[E] may Fatha be read over his soul, this phrase is said after someone dies, or figuratively said about a thing died;
‏اِقْرا الفاتحة على روحَك ‎[E] say your prayers (said before beating up someone);

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Word: فاتْحة
noun with plural فَواتِح : prayers for the dead. This comes from the word الفاتِحة, which is the opening chapter of the Qur'an and is commonly read over the souls of the deceased
Word: مَفْتُوْح
  open, opened (passive participle from فَتَح)

بِالمَفْتُوح ‎[E] openly, frankly, candidly;

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Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت
opening (instance noun of فَتَح )
Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت
vowel sign for short a ( ـَ ) (in grammar)
Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت، ج فَتْحات / فُتَح
  aperture, opening (noun)

فَتْحاتِ الشَبابيك ‎[E] the openings for the windows;
‏فتحة الباب ‎[E] the opening of the door
‏فَتْحِة عَدَسة ‎[E] diaphragm of a (camera) lens;
‏فَتْحِة شَرَج ‎[E] anus, butt hole;

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Word: فُتُوح
  opening (maSdar from فَتَح )

فُتُوح رَبَّاني ‎[E] divine grace bestowed on someone (as manifested, especially, in wealth);

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Word: فَتّاح
  Opener of the way, Facilitator (epithet of God);

يا فتّاح، يا عليم، يا رزّاق، يا كريم ‎[E] this is a prayer for usually said either 1.when people open shops or do other activities that are connected to زرق and 2. as an expression of frustration when the morning starts off wrong;
‏الصُبْحِ دخلت لسه باقول يا فتاح يا عليم لقيت لك ‎[E] in the morning I came in I was still just opening shop and I found...

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Word: فَتّاحة، ج فَتّاحَاْت
  an opener, such as a can opener or letter opener;

فَتّاحِة عِلَب ‎[E] can opener;
‏فَتّاحِة وَرَق ‎[E] letter opener;

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Word: مُفْتَاح، ج مَفاتِيح

قَفَلِ الشَقَّة بِالمُفْتاح ‎[E] he locked the apartment with the key;
‏انا ناسي المفتاح فين ‎[E] I can't remember where the key is;

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Word: مُفْتَاح، ج مَفاتِيح
  spanner, wrench;

مُفْتَاح إِنْجِليزي ‎[E] monkey wrench

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Word: مُفْتَاح، ج مَفاتِيح
  switch, lever, (gas) tap;

مُفْتاحِ النُور ‎[E] light-switch;
‏مُفْتاح هَوَا ‎[E] gas control (of a welder's torch);
‏مُفْتاح ساعة ‎[E] crown of a watch;

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Word: مُفْتَاح، ج مَفاتِيح
peg (of a stringed instrument) (in music)
Word: أَفْتَح
lighter/lightest (Said of colors) (superlative/comparative)
Word: فتَّح
  to open wide, or repeatedly, or several things (ه =;
intensive of form 1;

فَتَّحِ الشِيش ‎[E] open (all of) the shutters;
‏فَتَّح فِ عَيْنُه ‎[E] to look (s.o.) in the eye;
‏فَتَّح عَيْنُه ‎[E] to be alert, keep one's wit's about one;
‏فَتَّح لُه مُخَّه ‎[E] open his mind for him, meaning give him a bribe;
‏فَتَّح فِي حد ‎[E] to answer someone back rudely;
‏بيفتَّح الأدراج ‎[E] he is opening many drawers;

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Word: فتَّح
to develop (ه = a plate) (in printmaking)
Word: فتَّح
  to lighten (ه = the color of, or a color);

فتّح لون شعره ‎[E] he lightened his hair color

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Word: فتَّح
  to open one by one (intransitive)

الأَزْهار تِفَتَّح فِ الرَبِيع ‎[E] flowers bloom in spring

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Word: مِفَتَّح
seeing, not blind;
Word: مِفَتَّح
  alert, cunning;

لازِمِ الزِبُون يِبْقَى مْفَتَّح ‎[E] the customer should keep his wits about him;
‏بِنْتِ مْفَتَّحة ‎[E] an (overly) precocious (young) girl;

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Word: فاتِح
  to address o.s. to, approach (ه = s.o./;

حافَاتْحُه فِ المَوْضوع ‎[E] I'll raise the subject with him;
‏فاتِحْها فِ الجَواز ‎[E] he proposed marriage to her;

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Word: تْفَتَّح / اِتْفَتَّح، يِتْفَتَّح
to be opened wide (or repeatedly, or of multiple things)
Word: تْفَتَّح / اِتْفَتَّح، يِتْفَتَّح
to be developed (of a plate) (in printmaking) (passive of فَتَّح )
Word: تْفَتَّح / اِتْفَتَّح، يِتْفَتَّح
to be lightened (of a color)
Word: تْفاتِح / اِتْفاتِح، يِتْفاتِح
to be addressed, be approached;
Word: اِتْفَتَح / اِنْفَتَح
  to open, be opened;

الأَبْوابِ اْتْفَتَحِت لِاْسْتِقْبالِ العَرِيس ‎[E] the doors were opened to receive the bridegroom;
‏حد منفتح على أفكار جديدة = مُتَفَتِّح != قفل، مضلِّم ‎[E] Someone who is open to new ideas

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Word: اِتْفَتَح / اِنْفَتَح
  to be made accessible

السِكَّة اْتْفَتَحِت لي ‎[E] the way was opened to me

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Word: اِتْفَتَح / اِنْفَتَح
  to be turned on, be switched on, be set going;

الرادْيُو اْتْفَتَح إِزَّاي ‎[E] how did the radio come to be turned on?
‏اِتْفَتَحِت فِ جَوْزْها ‎[E] she lashed out at her husband, let out her (anger) at her husband;

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Word: اِتْفَتَح / اِنْفَتَح
to be set up, be established;
Word: اِتْفَتَح / اِنْفَتَح
  to embark, get going;

اِتْفَتَحِت فِ الشَكْوة ‎[E] she launched into a long complaint;
‏اِتْفَتَحوا فِ الجِيوان ‎[E] they've hit a scoring streak;
‏حَظُّه اْتْفَتَح ‎[E] he's having a run of good luck;

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Word: اِتْفَتَح / اِنْفَتَح
to be started, be begun;
Word: اِنْفِتاح
  opening (maSdar from اِنْفَتَح )

الاِنْفِتاح الاِقْتِصادي ‎[E] in politics: the open-door policy, i.e. liberaliztion of the Egyptian economy instituted by President Sadat in 1974;

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Word: اِفْتَتَح
  to inaugurate (ه = (UEA)

اِفْتِتاح قَناةِ السِوَيْس ‎[E] the inauguration of the Suez Canal

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Word: اِفْتِتَاحي
  opening; (UEA, adjective)

مُقالة اِفْتِتاحِيَّة ‎[E] leading article, editorial;

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Word: اِفْتِتَاحِيَّة، ج اِفْتِتَاحِيَّاْت
overture; (UEA, in music)
Word: اِسْتَفْتَح
  to approach initially (ه = s.o.)

اِسْتَفْتَحْني بِالشِتِيمة ‎[E] he met me with insults

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Word: اِسْتَفْتَح
  to open one's day's or life's work (intransitive)

سَوَّاقِ التَكْسِ اْسْتَفْتَح بِيَّ ‎[E] I was the taxi driver's first customer;
‏اِسْتَفْتَحِ المُحامي فِ أَوِّل ما اْشْتَغَل بِطَلاق سِتّ ‎[E] the lawyer began his career with a woman's divorce (case);
‏حَلَّاق بأَقْرَع اِسْتَفْتَح ‎[E] proverb: the barber started his day with a bald man (from ringworm), meaning either1. to get the day off to a rough start, 2. be unlucky;
‏اِسْتِفْتاحَك لَبَـن ‎[E] you've opened the day's work with milk, meaning you've started off my day with a good start (said by, e.g., a trader to his first customer of the day);

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  Root: ل ب ن 2
Word: مَلْبَـن
  Turkish delight

ملبن بالقِشطة ‎[E] turkish delight with cream in the middle
‏بنت مَلْبَـن ‎[E] a voluptuous girl;
‏فَتَّح عَيْنَك تَاكُل مَلْبَن ‎[E] proverb: open your eyes and you'll get Turkish delight, meaning be alert and you'll progress;

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  Root: م خ خ
Word: مُخّ، ج أَمْخاخ / مِخاخ
  brain (this is also used as the medical term)

مَطْعَم كِبْدة وْمُخّ ‎[E] liver and brain restaurant (yes, they do exist and some are even advertised in tourism books);
‏فَتَّح مُخّك ‎[E] either 1. be alert or 2. you'd better tip (at a restaurant);
‏جرى مخَّك حاجة ‎[E] happened to your brain (i.e. you're out of it, or you've lost it);
‏راح من مخي = طار من بالي ‎[E] It escaped my mind, I can't recall;
‏كان مُخِّي حايْطِير ‎[E] I was about to lose my mind;
‏مُخّـي عمّال يودّي ويجيب: المقصود بافكّر كتير قوي في احتمالات كتير ‎[E] He gives going over (things) in his head;
‏مُخّه لاسع ‎[E] his brain has been stung/burnt, meaning his brain is messed up, he needs a new brain, he's stupid, crazy, etc.
‏مُخُّه نضيف ‎[E] his brain is clean (usually meaning blank, as in he's an idiot);
‏مُخّي جاب غاز ‎[E] my brain is fried (from talk about cars: when a car starts giving off smoke, people say that the car جاب غاز. this comes from that phrase)
‏الناس دَوْلَت أمخاخ ‎[E] those people are stupid;
‏مُخُّه مِتْرَكِّب شِمَال ‎[E] he's crazy (his brain is put together to the left)

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  Root: م ن د ل
Word: مَنْدَل
  contemplation of a reflective liquid such as ink or oil for the purpose of divination; (in magic)

ضرب / عمل / فتح مندل لحد ‎[E] to do a divination by these means for s.o.;
‏صاحب المندل ‎[E] one who practices this type of divination;

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  Root: و ح د
Word: واحِد، المؤنث: واحْدَة
  واحِد + اسم نكرة : one (thing);
this should be conjugated for gender, as in:
واحد + اسم مذكر and واحدة + اسم مؤنث ;
This is used in narration, in which case it acts almost like an indefinite article such as in the phrase كان فيه واحِد راجِل there was this one guy, there was a guy; In such a phrase it comes at the beginning of the narration and introduces "a guy" who is coming into the narration;
see also حَدّ, which is very close in usage;

مرة واحِد فَتَح قِزازِة بيبسي وْقَرَا عَلَيها كِلْمِة مَرَّة أُخْرَى. قفل القِزازة وفتحها تانية . one time someone opened a bottle of pepsi and read on it the words "try another time". (so) he closed the bottle and opened it again.
‏أنا قابِلْتِ واحِد مُهَنْدِس قالْ لي كِدا ‎[E] I met an engineer who told me so;

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: اْتّفْتح / تْتفْتح / تّفْتح
  to be opened (passive of فْتح )

الْحْساب تّفْتح ‎[M] The bank account was opened

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Word: اْتّفْتح / تْتفْتح / تّفْتح
to open up, not be shy, "let one's hair down"
Word: تْفتّح
to bloom
Word: فاتحْ
  to broach (ه = with s.o., في =, e.g. a topic, discussion)

فاتحو ف شي موْضوع ‎[M] to broach a topic with s.o.
‏يْلا كُنْتي باغي تتْزوّج بِها، خصّك تْفاتحْها ف الْموْضوع ‎[M] If you want to marry her, you need to broach the with her.

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Word: فتّح
to recite الفاتِحَة
Word: فتّح
to blossom, to bloom (flowers)
Word: فتَّاْح
  the one who opens ways or provides opportunities (epithet of God)

يا فتَّاْح ‎[M] phrase said at the beginning of some action to invoke the help of God / make an endeavor successful

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Word: فتْحَة، ج فتْحَاْت
(instance noun of فْتح)
Word: فتْحَة، ج فتْحَاْت
opening, hole (e.g. in a wall, fence, armhole in a robe)
Word: فتْحَة، ج فتْحَاْت
fatha (Arabic vowel sound)
Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
  first (of the month)

خضر فَاْتح ‎[M] light green (xder fate7)

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Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
light colored, light (of color)
Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
having opened (ه = (AP)
Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
having lightened (ه =, a color) (AP)
Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
having operated (ل = on s.o., على = for (AP)
Word: فَاْتح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فاتْحة
having had an operation done (على = for (AP)
Word: فَاْتِحَة
الفَاتِحَة : first chapter of the Qur'an
Word: فَاْتْحَة، ج فَاْتْحَاْت / فْوَاْتح
  prayer said with palms up

رْفد فَاتْحَة ‎[M] to say prayers with palms up
‏رفَّاْد فاتْحَة، ج رفَّاْدِين فَاتْحَة ‎[M] yes-man

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Word: فَاْتْحَة، ج فَاْتْحَاْت / فْوَاْتح
betrothal ceremony
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
  to open (ه = (usually when what is opened is connected as a door)

فْتح عْلِيه الله ‎[M] He's had some good luck (after having bad luck).
‏فْتح حْساب ف الْبنْك ‎[M] to open a bank account
‏فْتح الشّهِية ‎[M] to give an appetite
‏واش كتْعْرف شيدْوا اللّي كيْفْتح الشّهِية ؟ ‎[M] Do you know a medicine that gives an appetite?

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Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
to open (as a flower) (intransitive verb)
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
to start, to open, to go into (business, etc.) (intransitive verb)
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
  to start, to initiate (ه =, e.g. a ceremony)

فْتح الحفْلَة بْوَاحد الخُطْبَة ‎[M] He opened the proceedings with a speech.

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Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
  to operate on (ه = s.o.) (in terms of surgery)

شْكون الطّبيب اللّي فْاتح ل ولْدك عْلى الْفْتق؟ ‎[M] Who is the doctor who operated on your son for (his) hernia?

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Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
to have an operation done (على = for, be operated on (على = for)
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
to conquer (ه = country, city, etc.)
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
to lighten (ه =, a color)
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
to recite الفاتِحَة
Word: فْتح، فْتِيْح
  (see example)

البقْرج فْتح ‎[M] The kettle's boiling. (l-beqRej fte7}

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Word: فْتُوْح، ج فْتُوْحَاْت
  kind of down payment given to a فْقِي / فْقِيه for providing a حرْز

هادا غِيْر الفْتُوْح ‎[M] This is only the beginning!

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Word: فْتِيْح
opening (maSdar of فْتح)
[pronunciation: fti7]
Word: فْتِيْح
(medical) operation
Word: مفْتُوْح، ج مفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مفْتُوْحَة
opened (passive participle of فْتح )
Word: مفْتُوْح، ج مفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مفْتُوْحَة
  light (in color)

الْعْيالات كيْفضّلوا اللّوان مفْتوحين ‎[M] Women prefer light colors. (note lack of ال on مفتوحين . This seems to be common in Moroccan, though not universal. Some Moroccan speakers say المفتوحين would also be correct)
‏مفْتوح اْكْتر من ‎[M] lighter than (

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Word: مفْتُوْح، ج مفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مفْتُوْحَة
light (of a color)
Word: مفْتُوْح، ج مفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مفْتُوْحَة
Word: مفْتُوْح، ج مفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مفْتُوْحَة
(s.o.) open, not shy, letting one's hair down
Word: مْفاتح، ج مْفاتحين، المؤنث: مْفاتحة
  having broached (ه = with s.o., في =

مْفاتح ف شي موْضوع ‎[M] (s.o.) broached a subject with (s.o.)

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Word: مْفتّح، ج مْفتّحين، المؤنث: مْفتّحة

الْورْد ف الجّرْدة دْيالي كُلّو مْفتّح ‎[M] All of the flowers in my garden are blooming.

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  Root: ب و ب
Word: بَاْب، ج أَبْوَاْب / بِيْبَاْن
[E-Gulf] بَاْب، ج بِيْبَاْن

على الباب ‎[G] at the door
‏صَكّ الباب ‎[E.G.] He shut the door.
‏فِتَح البَاب ‎[E.G.] He opened the door.
‏فِتَح بَاب جِدِيد (يِدِيد) ‎[E.G.] He opened up a new door (figuratively: a new chance, way, etc.)
‏مِن كِلّ باب ‎[E.G.] from everywhere.
‏الباب اللي يَجِيك مِنَّه رِيْح، سِدَّه واسْتَرِيح ‎[E.G.] The door from which wind comes to you, close it and rest., (meaning) Rid yourself of what is harmful to you. (proverb)
‏باب الفَقِر (الفَگِر) ما يِنْصَكّ ‎[E.G.] The door of poverty man cannot be closed., (meaning) What have I or you got to lose (I've also seen the proverb as باب الفقير ما ينصك )
‏الباب كان (چان) مَصْكُوك ‎[G] the door was locked

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  Root: د ر ش
Word: دِرِيْشَة، ج دِرَاْيِش

فِتَح الدِّرِيْشَة ‎[E.G.] He opened the window!
‏خَلَّه يْرُوح الدِّرِيْشَة الثَّانْيَة ‎[E.G.] Have him go to the second window.
‏كان (چان) رايِح يُوقَع (يُوگَع) مِنِ الدِّرِيْشَة ‎[G] he was going to fall from the window

Rate Translation
  Root: د ك ن
Word: دِكَّاْن، ج دَكَاْكِيْن
[E-Gulf] دِكَّاْن / دِچَّاْن، ج دِكَاْكِيْن / دِچَاْچِيْن
  shop, store

هُو يِشْتِغِل في الدِّكَّان ‎[G] he works in the shop
‏راعِي دِكَّان (دِچَّان) ‎[E.G.] the shopkeeper.
‏ دِكَّان (دِچَّان) حَلْوَى ‎[E.G.] sweets, pastry shop.
‏فِتَح دِكَّان في المَول ‎[E.G.] he opened a shop in the mall

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  Root: ز ي د
Word: زْيَاْدَة، ج زْيَاْدَاْت
[E-Gulf] زِيَاْدَة

زْيَاْدَة عَنِ اللُّزُوْم ‎[G] more than necessary
‏يِحْتَاجُون التَّنْمِيَة زْيَادة عَشَان يُوْصْلُون ‎[K] they need more development in order to make it
‏يَعْطِيهَا فُرَص زْيَادَة ‎[G] he gives it more chances / opportunities
‏زْيَادَة عَنِ اللُزُوم ‎[G] more than necessary
‏فَتَح الدَّولَة زْيَادَة ‎[G] he opened the country more

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  Root: ف ا ل
Word: فَاْل
  fortune, sign, omen

يِفْتَح الفَال ‎[E.G.] He predicts the future
‏فِتَح الفَال ‎[E.G.] He predicted the future
‏قَطَّاط (گَطَّاط) الفال ‎[E.G.] the fortune teller
‏فَتَّاح الفال ‎[E.G.] the fortune teller
‏فَال الله وَلَا فالَك ‎[E.G.] God's (good) omen or yours., (meaning) Contrary to how it seems (or what was said, what was done, etc.), I hope things will turn out to be good (proverb)

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح / فِتَح، يِفْتَح
[E-Gulf] فِتَح، يْفَتِح
  to open (ه =

فِتَح البَلَد أَكْثَر مِن أَبُوه ‎[G] he opened the country more than his father
‏اِفْتَح الدِّرِيْشَة ‎[E.G.] Open the window!
‏اِفْتَح الباب ‎[E.G.] open the door!
‏الشِّرْطَة فْتَحَوا الطَّرِيق (الطَّرِيگ) ‎[E.G.] the police opened the road
‏يِفْتَح الفَال ‎[E.G.] He person tells people's fortune.
‏فَتَحْنَا الدِّرِيْشَة ‎[G] we opened the window
‏الدِّكَّان فِتَح ‎[G] the store opened

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح / فِتَح، يِفْتَح
[E-Gulf] فِتَح، يْفَتِح
  to start, open (ه =

فِتَح حْسَاب في البَنْك ‎[E.G.] He opened an account at the bank.
‏فِتَح دِكَّان ‎[E.G.] He opened a store

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح / فِتَح، يِفْتَح
[E-Gulf] فِتَح، يْفَتِح
  to turn on (ه =

اِفْتَح الماي ‎[E.G.] turn the water on!
‏اِفْتَح الرَّادْيَو ‎[E.G.] turn the radio on!
‏هاذا يِفْتَح الشَّهِيَّة ‎[E.G.] This stimulates the appetite.

Rate Translation
Word: فَتَح / فِتَح، يِفْتَح
[E-Gulf] فِتَح، يْفَتِح
to open (intransitive)
Word: فَتَح / فِتَح، يِفْتَح
[E-Gulf] فِتَح، يْفَتِح
  to conquer, capture (ه =, e.g. a city)

فْتَحَوا المَدِينَة ‎[E.G.] They conquered the city

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Word: فَتَح، يِفْتَح
  to open

اِفْتَح الكِتَاب. ‎[G-Hijazi] Open the book.

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Word: فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فَاْتْحَة
  having opened (

مَن فاتِح الباب ‎[E.G.] Who has opened the door?

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Word: فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فَاْتْحَة
conqueror, victor
Word: فَاْتِح، ج فَاْتْحِيْن، المؤنث: فَاْتْحَة
  light (color)

احَمَر (حَمَر) فاتِح ‎[E.G.] light red,
‏لَون فَاتِح ‎[E.G.] a light color.

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Word: فَاْتْحَة، ج فَوَاْتِح
  beginning, start

فَاتْحَة خَير ‎[E.G.] beginning of a good time., a good start. {faat7at xeer}

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Word: فَاْتْحَة، ج فَوَاْتِح
  الفَاتِحَة : Al-Fatiha, the Opening (name of the first sura in the Qur'an)

قَرَينَا (گَرَينَا) الفاتْحَة ‎[G] we read the first al-Fatiha (first surah in the Quran)

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Word: مَفْتُوْح
Word: مَفْتُوْح، ج مَفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مَفْتُوْحَة
  open, opened

مَفْتُوْح الظَّهْر ‎[G] open in the back (was said describing a dress)
‏الباب مَفْتُوح ‎[E.G.] The door is open.
‏الدِّرِيْشَة مَفْتُوْحَة ‎[E.G.] the window is open
‏اُدْخُلَوا، الباب مَفْتُوح ‎[G] Come in, the door is open,

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Word: مَفْتُوْح، ج مَفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مَفْتُوْحَة
  open, open for business

الدِّكَّان مَفْتُوح ‎[E.G.] the shop is open

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Word: مَفْتُوْح، ج مَفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مَفْتُوْحَة
  on, working, operating, in operation

الماي مَفْتُوح ‎[E.G.] the water is on

Rate Translation
Word: فَتِح
Word: فَتِح
starting, opening (a bank account)
Word: فَتِح
turning on (water, radio, etc.)
Word: فَتِح
conquering, capturing (a city, country, etc.)
Word: فَتَّاْح
  فَتَّاح الفال : the fortuneteller.

فَتَّاح الفال ‎[E.G.] the fortuneteller.

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Word: فَتَّاْحَة، ج فَتَّاْحَاْت
can opener, bottle opener
Word: فَتَّاْحَة، ج فَتَّاْحَاْت
Word: مُفْتَاْح / مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
[E-Gulf] مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح

ما أَدْرِي وَينِ المُفْتاح ‎[G] I don't know where the key is
‏مِفْتَاح الباب ‎[E.G.] the door key
‏مِفْتَاح السَّيَّارَة ‎[E.G.] the car key

Rate Translation
Word: مُفْتَاْح / مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
[E-Gulf] مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح

مِفْتَاح الكَهْرَبَا ‎[E.G.] the electric switch.

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Word: فَتَّح، يْفَتِّح
  to open (ه =

يْفَتِّح السَّاعَة تِسِع وْيِبَنِّد السَّاعَة خَمْس ‎[E.G.] The bank opens nine o'clock and closes at five o'clock
‏فَتِّح عَيْنَك ‎[E.G.] Open your eye(s)!, (meaning) Be careful!, Be on the lookout!

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Word: فَتَّح، يْفَتِّح
  to bloom, open (flowers)

الوَرْد فَتَّح ‎[E.G.] the flowers bloomed

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Word: مْفَتَّح
stuffed lamb (Bedouin dialect in Eastern Gulf. More commonly called قوزي in urban dialects)
Word: فَاْتَح، يْفَاْتِح
  to approach, speak to (ه = s.o.), open a conversation (ه = with s.o.)

فَاتَحْتَه بالمَوْضُوع ‎[E.G.] I brought the subject up with him

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Word: مِتْفَتِّح، المؤنث: مِتْفَتّْحَة
  open, responsive

هالعائِلَة مِتْفَتْحَة ‎[B] this family is open-minded (modern)

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Word: انْفَتَح، يِنْفَتِح
to be opened
Word: انْفَتَح، يِنْفِتِح
to be opened
Word: انْفَتَح، يِنْفِتِح
to be turned on
Word: انْفَتَح، يِنْفِتِح
to be conquered, captured
Word: افْتِتَح، يِفْتَتِح
  to open (for the first time), inaugurate (ه =

رَئِيس المَجْلِس افْتِتَح الاِحْتِفَال ‎[E.G.] The chairman opened the ceremony

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Word: افْتِتَاْح
  opening, inauguration

افْتِتَاح الاِحْتِفال ‎[E.G.] the opening of the ceremony

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  Root: ج و د
Word: جَوَّد، يْجَوِّد
  to recite the Qur'an.

فِتَحِ القُرآن وْقَام (وْگام) يْجَوِّد ‎[I] He opened the Qur'an and began to recite.

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  Root: د ف ع
Word: تْدَاْفَع، يِتْدَاْفَع
  to push each other

النَّاسِ تْدَافْعَوا مِن فَتَّحِ المَخْزَن ‎[I] The people pushed each other when the store opened,
‏ما اكُو حاجَة تِتْدَافَع وِيَّاه. خابِرِ الشُّرْطَة ‎[I] There's no reason for you to struggle with him. Call the police.

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  Root: ش ب ث
Word: تْشَبَّث، يِتْشَبَّث
  to be persistent, dogged, tenacious, to seek tenaciously (على =

ظَلّْ مُدَّة يِتْشَبَّث حَتَّى تْوَظَّف ‎[I] He kept on trying for some time until he got a job.
‏ما عِنْدْنَا (عِدْنَا) وَظِيفَة، رُوح تْشَبَّثِ بْغَير دائِرَة ‎[I] We don't have a job; go try in another office.
‏تْشَبَّث على الوَظِيفَة لَكِن ما حَصَّلْهَا ‎[I] He tried hard for the job but he didn't get it.
‏دا يِتْشَبَّث على إِجازَة فَتِح مَلْهَى ‎[I] He's trying hard to get a license to open a night club.

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  Root: ع ب ر
Word: اْعْتِبَاْر، ج اْعْتِبَاْرَاْت
  consideration, regard.

أَخَذِ بْنَظَرِ الاِعْتِبار ‎[I] to take into consideration.
‏رَح يَاخْذُون مَرَضَك بْنَظَرِ الاِعْتِبار ‎[I] They'll take your illness into consideration.
‏بِاعْتِبَار + إضافة ‎[I] in consideration, considering.
‏بِاعْتِبَار مَعْرِفْتَك بِالمِيكانِيك، إِنْتَ صَلِّحْهَا ‎[I] In consideration of your knowledge of mechanics, you fix it.
‏بِاْعْتِبار + إضافة ‎[I] in his capacity as, in the capacity of, as, since.
‏إِنْتَ اِحْكِي (اِحْچِي) وِيَّاهَا بِاعْتِبارَك تُعْرُف إِنْگِلِيزِي ‎[I] You talk with her since you know English.
‏بِاعتِبارَه وَكِيلِ الوَزِير، فِتَح الجِّسِر ‎[I] In his capacity as the minister's representative, he opened the bridge.

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  Root: ف ا ل
Word: فَاْل
  sign, portent, omen

أَخَذ فال = فِتَح فال ‎[I] to tell fortunes, predict the future.
‏فِتَح لي فال ‎[I] He told my fortune,
‏اْنْطِيه أَلِف دِينار حَتَّى ياخُذ لَك فال ‎[I] Give him a thousand dinars so he will tell your fortune.
‏رُوحِ بْفالَك ‎[I] Go on. Go ahead. Do what you want
‏فَتَّاح فال ‎[I] fortuneteller

Rate Translation
  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فِتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح
  1 to open,

فِتَحِت بُطِل صَوْدا جِديد ‎[I] I opened a new bottle of soda.
‏اَلله يِفْتَح لَك ‎[I] God bless you (lit God open the door to riches for you).

Rate Translation
Word: فِتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح
  to open, start (ه =

رَحَ افْتَحِ حْسَابِ بْهالبَنْگ ‎[I] I'm going to open an account in this bank.
‏فِتَح لَه مَخْزَنِ بْشَارِع الرَّشِيد ‎[I] He opened a store on Rashid Street.
‏فِتْحَوا شارِع جِدِيدِ هْنَا ‎[I] They opened a new street here.
‏يِفْتَح القَلِب (الگَلِب) ‎[I] It is relaxing (idiomatic phrase).

Rate Translation
Word: فِتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح
  to open (for the first time), inaugurate (ه =

رَئِيْسِ الوُزَرَاء رَح يِفْتَحِ الشَّارِعِ الجِّدِيد ‎[I] The prime minister will officially open the new street.

Rate Translation
Word: فِتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح
  to turn on (ه =

فِتَحْتِ الرَّاديَو مِن دِخَلْتِ الغُرْفَة ‎[I] I turned on the radio when I entered the room.
‏فِتَحِ المَيّ وْخَلَّاه ‎[I] He turned on the water and left it on
‏اِفْتَحِ الضُّوَى مِنِ تْخُشّ ‎[I] Turn on the light when you go in.
‏الطُّرْشِي يِفْتَحِ الشَّهِيَّة ‎[I] Pickles stimulate the appetite,
‏اْنْطِينِي إِيدَك. خَلِّي أَفْتَح لَك فال ‎[I] Give me your hand, let me tell your fortune.
‏إِفْتَح التِلِفِزِيون ‎[I] turn on the television
‏إِفْتَح الضُّوَى ‎[I] turn on the light

Rate Translation
Word: فِتَح، يِفْتَح، فَتِح
  to conquer, capture (ه =

القائِد فِتَحِ المَدِينَة بَعَد مُقَاوَمَة عَنِيفَة ‎[I] The commander captured the city after a fierce battle.

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Word: فَاْتِح
conqueror, victor
Word: فَاْتِح
  light, pale, pastel (color)

نَفْنُوف أَحْمَر فاتِح ‎[I] a light red dress.

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Word: فَاْتِحَة، ج فَوَاْتِح
  a recitation of the opening sura (الفاتحة) of the Qur'an)

الفاتِحَة ‎[I] al-Fatiha, the name of the first sura of the Qur'an.

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Word: فَاْتْحَة، ج فَاْتْحَاْت
a commemorative service for a dead man
Word: مَفْتُوْح
  open, opened

كِتَاْب مَفْتُوْح ‎[I] an open book.

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Word: مَفْتُوْح
  open, open for business

المَخْزَن مَفْتُوْح ‎[I] The store's open.

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Word: مَفْتُوْح
  (turned) on, running

المَاي مَفْتُوْح ‎[I] The water's running.

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Word: فَتْحَة
the vowel point /a/ (grammar)
Word: فَتْحَة
a card game, roughly similar to rummy
Word: فَتَّاْح
  فَتَّاحِ الفال : fortune teller, psychic, diviner, soothsayer

فَتَّاح فَال ‎[I] fortune teller, psychic, palm reader, diviner

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Word: فَتَّاْحَة، ج فَتَّاْحَاْت
opener, can opener, bottle opener
Word: فَتَّاْحَة، ج فَتَّاْحَاْت
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
opener, can opener, bottle opener
Word: أَفْتَح
lighter / lightest (color)
Word: فَتَّح، يْفَتِّح
  to open (ه = (note this is commonly used of the eyes, and perhaps as a more intensive of form 1 to mean regularly open)

لا تْفَتِّح عَيْنَك إِلَى أَنْ أَقُولْ (أَگُلْ) لَك ‎[I] Don't open your eyes till I tell you.
‏شْ وَقِت (وَكِت) تْفَتِّح كُلّْ يَوم ‎[I] What time do you open each day
‏هَذَا يْفَتِّح بِاللِبَن ‎[I] You can't pull the wool over his eyes.

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Word: فَتَّح، يْفَتِّح
  to open, to bloom (of flowers)

الوَرِد كُلَّه فَتَّح ‎[I] The flowers have all bloomed

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Word: مْفَتِّح
  open, opened

للسَّاعَة شْ قَدّ (گّدّ) تْظِلِّ مْفَتِّح ‎[I] What hour will you be open to?
‏ما تِقْدَر (تِگْدَر) تْغُلْبَه. هُوَّ مْفَتِّح بِاللِبَن ‎[I] You can't get the best of him. He has eyes in the back of his head (he can see through yogurt)

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Word: فَاْتَح، يْفَاْتِح
  to approach, speak, broach, bring up (ه = with s.o., ب = a subject)

رَحَ اْفَاتِح بِالمَوْضُوع ‎[I] I'll bring the subject up with him.
‏ما دا اعْرُفِ شْلَون أَفَاتْحَه بِالمَوضُوع ‎[I] I don't know how I'll approach him about the subject.

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Word: تْفَاْتَح، يِتْفَاْتَح
  to feel out, sound out

ما اقْدَر (اگْدَر) أَتْفَاتْحَه هَسَّا لِأَنْ زَعْلَان ‎[I] I can't sound him out now since he's mad.
‏تْفَاتَحْنَا بِالقَضِيَّة وِاتِّفَقْنَا ‎[I] We felt each other out on the matter and we agreed.

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Word: اْنْفِتَح
  to be opened

شْ وَقِت (شْ وَكِت) انْفِتَح هالبُطِل ‎[I] When was this bottle opened
‏هالمَخْزَن شْ وَقِت (ش وَكِت) انْفِتَح ‎[I] When did this store open
‏اْنْفَتَح المَهْرَجَاْن بْبَغْدَاْد البَاْرْحَة ‎[I] The festival was inaugurated in Baghdad yesterday.

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Word: اْفْتِتَح
  to open (for the first time), inaugurate (ه =

افْتِتَحِ الحَفْلَة بْكَلِمَة قَصِيرَة ‎[I] He opened the ceremony with a few words.

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Word: اْفْتِتَاْح
  opening, inauguration

حَفْلَةِ الاِفْتِتَاح ‎[I] the opening ceremony.

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Word: اْفْتِتَاْحِي

كَلِمَة افْتِتاحِيَّة ‎[I] opening address.
‏مَقَالِ افْتِتَاحِي ‎[I] leading article, leader, editorial.

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Word: اْفْتِتَاْحِيَّة، ج اْفْتِتَاْحِيَّاْت
editorial, leader.
Word: اْسْتَفْتَح
  to start doing business

بَعَد ما اسْتَفْتَحِت، ما عِنْدِي خُرْدَة ‎[I] I haven't done any business yet. I haven't got any change.

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Word: اْسْتِفْتَاْح
start, beginning.
  Root: ب ي ت
Word: بَيْت
  house, home

بَيْت جَدِيد ‎[S] a new house
‏فَتَح لَيهُ بَيْتُه ‎[S] he opened his house to him. (also meaning he took him in)
‏كُلَّ البَيت بِيكُون صاحِي ‎[S] the whole house will be awake
‏بَيْت المَال والعَيَال ‎[S] a house of wealth and children (a phrase considered a courtesy expression used at weddings to wish the bride and groom a happy life.)

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح، يَفْتَح، فَتِح
to open (ه =
Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت

فَتْحَةَ الخَشَم ‎[S] opening of negotiations for marriage (lit. opening the mouth)

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Word: مُفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح
key (not shortening of the alif in plural as in some other dialects)
Word: تْفَتَّح، يِتْفَتَّح
to open (intransitive)
Word: اِتْفَتَح، يِتْفَتَح / يِتْفَتِح، فَتِح
  to be opened up (intransitive)

اِتْفَتَح في الدُنْيَا ‎[S] he grew up, he became aware of the world around one
‏الواحِد أَوَّل ما اتْفَتَح في الدُّنْيَا دي ‎[S] as soon as one becomes aware of this world
‏فَتَح لَيهُ بَيْتُه ‎[S] he opened his house to him. (also meaning he took him in)

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Word: اِتْفَتَح، يِتْفَتَح / يِتْفَتِح، فَتِح
to be opened
  Root: ر ت ح
Word: رَتَّح، يْرَتِّح، رِتَّاْح / رِتَّاْحَة
  to prop up, support (ل = with or on
(note MAI lists one of the maSadir as رِتّح instead of رِتّاح , but I assume this is a typo on his part)
( فتح فلان الباب ورتَّح له. ويقال: كان الإناء قلقاً فرتَّحتُ له بحصاة و نحوها فاستقرّ وثبت، ورَتَّحْت للشيء المائل أو الآيل للسقوط: دعمته. )

فَتَح الباب وْرَتَّح لَه ‎[Y] he opened the door and propped it open

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  Root: ش غ ر
Word: شَغَرَة
  a very small stream, rivulet
( الشَّغَرَة من الماء الجاري علي وجه الأرض هي: القليل منه. تقول: ليست هذه العين إلا شَغَرَةٌ من الماء لا تجري إلا إلى مكان قريب. ومن استعمالاتها أن تكون قائماً على حصتك في الماء لأن الدَّول هو دولك، فتوجه الجدول الكبير نحو أرضك، وقد تمرّ بأرض أضرّ بزرعها أو غرسها العطش، فيقول لك صاحبها: يا فلان أنجدني وافتح لي شَغَرَة من الماء أحفظ بها رمق زرعي حتى يأتي دولي، فإذا فعلت فإنك قد أعطيته شَغَرَة من الماء. )

فَتَح لي شَغَرَة ‎[Y] he opened a small rivulet of water for me (i.e., said if it is your turn to take water from the main canal, but a neighbor comes and asks that you give him a small شغرة to help his crop.)

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  Root: ف ت ح
Word: فَتَح، يِفْتَح
  to open (ه =

اِفْتَح الكِيس ‎[Y] open the bag
‏فْأَيّ حِين يِفْتَح السُّوق (السُّوگ) في رَمَضَان ‎[Y] when does the market open during Ramadan
‏السُّوق (السُّوگ) يِفْتَح تَقْرِيب (تَگْرِيب) ساعَةْ تِسِع ‎[Y] the market opens around nine o'clock

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Word: فَاْتِحَة
  الفَاْتِحَة : al-Fatiha, the first surah of the Qur'an

يِقْرَأوا (يِگْرَأُوا) الفاتِحَة ‎[Y] they read al-Fatiha (reading the first sura of the Qur'an is often done as part of coming to an agreement)

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Word: مَفْتُوْح، ج مَفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مَفْتُوْحَة

الحانُوت مَفْتُوح ‎[Y] the shop is open

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Word: مَفْتُوْح، ج مَفْتُوْحِيْن، المؤنث: مَفْتُوْحَة
having been opened (participle)
Word: فَتْح
opening (maSdar)
Word: فَتْحَة، ج فَتْحَاْت
  opening (instance noun)

فَتَحَه فَتْحَة قَوِّيَّة (گَوِّيَّة) ‎[Y] he opened it vigorously

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Word: مِفْتَاْح، ج مَفَاْتِيْح