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  Root: ق ر ض
Word: قَرَض / گَرَض
acacia tree (one of the local varieties), sunt tree (This may be Vachellia nilotica or more commonly Acacia nilotica, which is Egyptian acacia, or Acacia senegal, which is the gum arabic tree or gum acacia) (collective noun)
Word: قَرَض / گَرَض
pods of the acacia tree (which are supposedly bitter)
Word: قَرَض / گَرَض
  ugly, bad, horrible

قَرَض (گَرَض) شَدِيد ‎[S] very ugly, very bad

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Word: قَرَض / گَرَض
arrogant, brazen (but willing to stand up for o.s.)
Word: قَرَض / گَرَض
bitter fight, ugly fight
Word: قَرَض / گَرَض
  extremely beautiful, attractive (a native Sudanese speaker said they did not recognize this usage, but the example was found online with this meaning)

واحِد قَرَض (گَرَض) قَرَض (گَرَض) شَدِيد ‎[S] someone really really attractive

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Word: قَرَضَة / گَرَضَة، قَرَضَاْت / گَرَضَاْت
gum arabic tree, babul, Egyptian acacia, sunt tree (unitary noun)